well we all know who shrek is right but did you know that the shrek itself isnt an original character ,it was created based on Maurice Tillet a professional wrestler.im gonna give you guys a short bio with pics below.
Maurice Tillet (1903 – August 4, 1954) was a French professional wrestler and was recognized as world heavyweight champion by the American Wrestling Association,His usual finishing move was the bearhug.
Born in France, he could speak 14 languages and was also a poet and actor.In his twenties, he developed acromegaly, a rare disease that causes bones to grow wildly and uncontrollably. Soon his whole body was disfigured as a result.
Seeking a new identity to fit his disfigurement, Tillet moved to the United States where he made a living on his appearance by becoming a professional wrestler, and was dubbed as the "freak ogre of the ring".
Tillet died in 1954 from heart disease at age 51. Wrestler Bobby Managoff asked Tillet on his death bed if he could make a plaster cast of his face.
Tillet agreed, and Managoff made three masks of his face.