M3ran / Member

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the worldcup end 2010,spain won

wooooooooooooooooow YEAAAAH SPAIN DID IT,
yes did you guys watch the match,
i knew spain was gonna do it,but the amazing thing was that netherland had good opportunities but the messed it up.:D good good.

i really wasnt expecting for spain to play so bad:(:D

second half of extra time,what were you thinking?

anyways the good thing is that spain won.

so how are you people doing?:D

ohh yea did you see the golden jabulani?

it was nice wasnt it?:D

so what are you guys playing currently?

i finished singularity the other day it was a pretty nice game to play,but since i didnt like 1st person shooter i still played it,it was well worth playing.:P

thanks for reading.

i have so much to talk about.