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this country doesnt just need me,iam honored to be alongside it.

hi guys ,how is every one doing?are we doing good playing games?i hope so.

well you see i wanted to talk about a little thing that happened recently on GS,one of my friends posted a little blog about how the country doesnt deserve him,and i was really shocked on what he had to say.so more or less im dedicating this blog to that one.

so he goes on talking about how, bad things have happened to him and blames it all and i mean all on the government :lol:

i want to ask a simple question from all of you guys.if you are from a country which means you belong to that country,would you ever turn against the government to an extreme degree?for example calling your own government words such as 'terrorist'?i can promise you all,that you just wouldnt do so.now my question is who WOULD?you can answer that one.

we all know alot about the mainstream medias affect on people,and maybe that is the reason we got in to games in the first place.do you guys know about propaganda out there?out there i mean the real world.i thought gaming was peace!and i shouldnt have ever made a blog that talks politics but in this certain situation i had to.why?because this country is alone.yes it is.standing on its own feet,trying to walk, little by little, but a minority of people and mainstream media out there more or less in western countries,trying to put obstacles in the way of my country.

what makes me ashamed isnt the mainstream media out there,why?cause they get paid to do so.but not thinking,and not looking at the bigger picture bothers me.people hearing different things and not reading about those issues and talking bigstuff about how or what can be done,or have been done.talking about how corrupt a certain government is without even nowing the basics to write about it and simply running theit mouth.im not gonna go against that person all the way and say everything he says is wrong but the way he said those things is wrong,we all have brains dont we?we can analyse different matters and afterwards think of the best way to put it and then we have a choice to edit words and act civilized.but when you say something you cant get it back,it keeps on going and consequences are born.

people talk about civilization that happened 2500 years ago,where is that civ.?i believe every little action have consequences either big or small.

what is the difference between animals and humans?is it the way we look?is it the way we talk?

it is simply the way we think and the ability to choose.

im honored to be alongside my country and i think all of you people will be along side yours.becarefull of the news propaganda machines.believe what you want ,have priority in what you like,analyse where or when to talk ,and of what to talk.in the end i will stand by my country islamic republic of Iran,now other countries might be against mine.but in the end iam the winner cause i stood by my country,didnt become the traitor,and the honor and dignity and glory is mine to be...

thanks for reading guys,

keep that in mind,

all love M3ran.