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Unique Camera Just Not Enough.K&L2 Review

i have beaten the game long time ago,but didnt post the review until now. First off i have to say that the main story line isnt really a long one at all,and it has a short story mode.That is bad these days in gaming.You may be able to beat the game in less than 5 hours. K&L2 offers a few unique features that you havent seen anywhere else.Im gonna start with the graphics first,it amused me that they have reached this kind of graphic,it is just wonderful,the camera that is behind the character and allows the game to become RPG and 3rd person,is constantly moving around and looks as if a camera man is following our two DOGs,:D kane and lynch.The game takes place in China.Although there are many political views on this subject but i will skip my political views on this whole thing. The main story is just not right.you do understand a bit,but there are alot of things not said while you are playing.So gives you the feeling that kane and lynch know what they are doing,but you dont.you are just a camera and dont need to know anything else.The story could have been a lot better than what we saw. There are no upgrades for you in this game,your main purpose is to get a gun and kill anything that is in front of you. The game play isnt bad but isnt perfect either,specially trying to get cover behind objects are sometimes not happening at all,and also there is one feature available that allows you to get a cover and move wall to wall,but guess what, that sometimes dont work either,and just moves away from the object and gets you out of your cover. The great feature i love about this, is the lights in the scenes,and the great modeling of each level,it feels that you are actually there, in China,good going on that. I dont know if you guys played the game called Manhunt,the graphics remind me of that,but i can honestly say K&L2's graphics is a lot better.There is a feature that allows you to press a button and see all the guns on the floor,and pick it up,you can carry 2 guns at the same time,you can reload your gun,you can aim and shoot or simply blindfire.There are 4 difficulty levels you can set and are easy,normal,hard and extreme. on the extreme level its way too hard i think.however on the normal mode that i played you can get shot until you drop on your legs,and then you can get up and cover yourself,so basically at anytime when you get hit a lot the screen turns kinda red with effects,and if you cover for like 5 to 10 seconds then you recover,simple as that. The variety of level is good,enabling you to see different parts of the city and again it feels good to see that. A lot of discussions and dialogue are traded between Kane and Lynch,about the situation that they are involved in, but there is no humor in the conversations they have,and that maybe boring to some. The game just puts you on the action zone from the very start,until the end. it takes place mostly in dark rooms and corridors and at night so i suggest,you to set the display option at the beginning of the game. I have to mention that the movement of the character is pretty sharp and a bit fake and unnatural.You can also run,but while running the camera angle seems to get worse,since it looks as if the camera man is holding the camera behind you. so altogether the features that i liked alot on this game,is first the unique camera and second the visual design of each level,and both of the features above are needed to creating realism.Sadly thats not enough for a game. Well thats it think,nothing is left out,hope you enjoyed My review,well if you did give me a thumbs up:D, thanks so much.Enjoy the game.