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what football team do you support in FIFA2010worldcup

hi guys just wanted to post another blog the one i did just got deleted and didnt really allow me to post it gave me errors or something:(

i wanted to say a little about the worldcup,

as you know brazil is out too:cry:.and that made me really sad,i was looking forward to seeing them play in the finals but its not gonna happen,

so what is up with all the good teams beeing out?:?France,England,Italy,and soo on.

this world cup is really annoying:D

oh yea the thing that i wanted to mention was that did you know there are like two diffent soccer balls,

1-the one that they are using right now,and2-there is gonna be a golden version of this ball for the finals:Pwohoo.

so what team do you guys support,

i think personally i would like Argantina to win.if not then germany is good too:)

doesnt it look nice??i think so...

so tell me guys how many of you really watch soccer,or as we say football?are you guys even interested?

cuz i have a vision that most americans hate soccer,but in europe people do really like it.

and if possible what team do you support?