hey people,my friends how are you all,missed you guys alot!
so as you know Crysis 2 is coming on the 22nd this month and will be available on 360-ps3 and PC,the real question is are you gonna get the game or not??
i have heard that some sort of hacked version of crysis was leaked on the internet for PC.and i have also heard the game looks superb,i personally didnt have the honor to play the first one,but my friend also told me that there is no problem since they make the games so that if you havent played the 1st you can still enjoy the story of the second one.
been playing BAYONETTA and dead space 2 i got 3games untouched de blob 2,fight night champion and marvel vs capcom,i also need to finish god of war 3 on another difficulty and need to play more with my GT5,lets not forget the first proffesor layton game that i have started on DS,wow im kinda scared with all of these games.and all of these games are one side and exactly 8 days from now crysis 2 will be released!!!
i geuss its the gaming season for me.BTW i finished bayonetta today ,i was like jesus this game is way too long.the story was along one for sure,i did enjoy it but its uncomparable to DMC.but still a game worth playing.
weather:weather outside is raining heavily and its bit more cold today.time:7:21pm place:behind my computer and nervously waiting for i dont know what!
ohhh yeah i might play some heavy rain tonight,it would be awsome,i WILL.
sorry for yet another short blog,i dont think long blogs work nowadays:D
see you all soon friends...