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A curse has been placed on this apartment!

Coming at you from a school computer, this is the MAILER_DAEMON, with a report on his own computer.

Never in a million years would I have imagined that formatting a hard drive would be an exercise in futility. First off, Windows won't do it, since it would be erasinig itself in the process. Next, the DOS disk that I have really isn't an option because I'd be waiting for 3 days for 40 gigs to format, not to mention that it would be in DOS format. Also, the formatting program that my roomate has won't work right because we don't have enough floppys to make the Windows boot disks >-<. Suffice to say that my HD has been formatted, but now it's primed for Windows 98, rendering my XP disc useless for now.

So what to do? My roomate offers to help by plugging my HD into his computer as a slave, then using XP's formatter on that (which should work fine). All is good, right? Heh, I wish. Apparently his computer has been on for so long that turning it off shorted out the power switch. In other words, everything's getting power except the switch, so it won't turn on :x.

The result is that I now have computer parts laying all over the floor from my old Compaq (I'm starting to think that they put something in the Quantum Fireball HD to keep it from working on anything else) and an Athlon 64 machine with no hard drive, while my roommate has a Dell with a dud power switch.

Anyone think we're being sent signs that maybe we've both been on our computers too much?