I like how at the beginning they were talking about the JFK as a uber horrible thing and yet when they showed it, it seemed that they weren't as shocked and it was more like a party game to him.
@Shawn45 Difference is that in SC2, its pretty much default, you get your moneys worth and more. There are no banned units or anything of the sort. Also there are better leagues for StarCraft 2 than mlg such as GSL. (oh and btw, only player worth following is Flash and maybe a couple of the non-korean ones like Huk just to see if they stepped their game up)
Plus really, how "pro" can these guys be when T-2 went on X-play for "pro tips on MW2" and said "Use the grenade launcher"... there is a reason its called the noob tube and not pro pipe.
1 more thing, notice how they are playing nothing but deathmatch. Same problem Reach had, they come up with all these awesome modes to get you playing and coming up with strats and what does mlg do? nothing but TDM and CTF... if thats the case then why move on to a new game if all you want to play is old school quake style game modes and the such?
I think most people are complaining not because of multiplayer (which looks really fun), but the fact that now because of this Max Payne 3 will be plagued by a bunch of mlg (wont even capitalize it) fanboys, wannabes, tryhards and thus will take the fun out of it. I be anything they will do their usual bullshit and strip the game bare and only let you play with certain weapons and then everyone in multiplayer will just want to use that instead of you know getting their moneys worth and learning everything... as Max said in one of his trailers: "GODDAMN IT!!!"
i dont get why the term "Sports" is thrown out when dealing with games. yes they can be competitive but come on, we all know damn well it is not a sport. also what is with the stupid changes mlg does to the games? in halo you couldnt be an elite or use any covenant weapon aside from the plasma pistol, in CoD majority of the perks and equipment are banned (killstreaks i can somewhat understand but even then) and now in starcraft they come out with their own maps? wtf? you pay 60 or more dollars for the game and then to have it limited to a "basic edition" is just wrong. eff mlg.
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