Just bought my vita today, Sony won me over in the end. Plenty more big games like Borderlands to coming to Vita will definitely get more people interested quickly.
@deathstream @warrior1718 Sony announced there plans for games, already showed off what it is capable of during the reveal event, and still has Gamescom coming up to show off those exclusives in more detail. Also demo's for Playstation 4 games are being shown at E3, just wasn't in the conference. To hear that there will be 20 first party titles, 12 being new IPS, and not even including the fact there will be more exclusives not from Sony owned Studios impresses me alot.
You're right in saying Xbox showed more games today, but they won't really have any more games to showcase later on (anything decent anyway). Sony had the better conference without showing too many exclusives, now that is very good.
@Nightelf123 Some games are only coming to the wii U? Just think of the exclusives coming to the Playstation 4 that are already announced, plus many, many more to come. I'd much rather play Killzone: Shadow Fall over Bayonetta 2 I think.
I was never a Halo fan due to never owning an Xbox, always have stuck with the Playstation. (Doesn't make a me a fanboy I have just appreciated the console more and the exclusives it has to offer.) But this new franchise Bungie is working on sounds really interesting, and I am glad to see it is coming to the PS3 aswell. Information is inriguing, can't wait to get a better look in the months ahead.
Seems like Gearbox has split into two development groups, one who makes the Borderlands games, and the other that don't know how to make games. I was never going to buy this, but when it's based on a film franchise which has a big fanbase, they needed to make a better effort than this.
@s2i2p2i2o @MAS_100 @queuing_for_PS4 That's your opinion, my argument with him is that it had changed which he didn't agree, whether you think it is for better of for worse is a different thing altogether. Many people would agree it was a good game, I don't believe it was as good as the others, but great nonetheless.
@queuing_for_PS4 @MAS_100 I agree it wasn't as good as the other games but only because of certain elements to it. Ezio was the best protagonist of the series and that is why Assassin's Creed 2 was also such a good game, because people liked him. You are deluded I am afraid into believing it is exactly the same game. Intro wasn't the best I know, however they needed to introduce the lackluster protagonist. Multiplayer is there if you want to play it, you prefer Assassin's Creed 2 without it so there you go, you don;t need to play it. And now you are saying Assassin;s Creed is trash but you have probably bought all the games including Assassin's Creed 3? You are calling me an idiot but are continually giving your money to a franchise you claim is trash? that's clever.
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