dude. this sucks. i should have read this before i started watching everything. i still got achievements but didnt even know about all the roadie night owl and special agent. i probly would have passed out watching it because i was kinda drunk lol but theres always next year. thanks for a good E3 gamespot
Yes. i agree with smackerlacker. This new trend of social gaming is for the mindless drones out there that cant deal with playing a really good hardcore FPS or RPG. but by endless clicking and leveling up with cheap graphics and spending real money on fake items they feel comfort in their pathetic little lonely lives. theres a reason its called social gaming is because its made for people who have no real friends. my x gf tried to get me to play but i said when she could beat me in halo then maybe lol. i like my gaming antisocial or playing on xbox live or having my friends over and playing together. thats real social gaming. if these developers do this the gaming community a a whole is seriously going to look down upon their company. im happy nintendo has chosen to stay away and do what they do best
LMFAO!!! i really HATE this pathetic excuse for a "game" trend. how can people think its fun. none ever wins or loses. theres no point except for the stupid corporations making it getting richer off middle aged loner losers who think their "making friends". uhhhh spend some real time and real money on a REAL game and console losers. my x gf tried to get me into this crap and it was so lame. the only thing that these wannabe "hardcore casual gamers" (that term doesnt even exist) are doing is sucking. HAHAHAHA
yes. PS2 was a really good console. not the best i think but it lasted a long time for me. the only thing i didnt really like was how many times i had to reset because of freezing. but good job sony
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