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WoW, and my take on MMORPG's. (PtoP and Free)

I've hated WoW. Hated it since it first came out. The thought of paying more for a game every month, then I did to install it on my computer seemed stupid. It was difficult for me to get into, and nobody I knew played it. Fast-forward. The game is great. I've boughten it, thought I'd take a leap, and Azeroth opened her arms and let me in gently. The price, is good. I like paying for a game that my dollar improves upon, not goes into some big-wigs pocket.

But, if you're very non-chalant about WoW, here are the MMO RPG games I used to play before WoW:

  • Maple Story Global: A 2D, Side-Scrolling RPG, that uses elements of a real-time fighting system, and small trace-amounts of Platformer Gameplay.

    • Downside: Difficult to gain exp., and some things get rapetitive over time.

  • FlyFF (Fly For Fun): A great 3D Graphics Engine, with a turned-based battle system. A very unique Flight System allows for beauty in the sky, and blood to fall like rain from the battles overhead.

    • Downside: Some bad translation, steep-learning curve due in part to no real Tutorial, and is definetly not Newbie-friendly, but, not too advanced either.

  • Space Cowboy: An MMORPG in it's infancy, that uses a very advanced FlyFF Engine. It is strictly PvP, featuring expansive battles, Continetal Control between the Factions, and a great amount of depth, gameplay, and fun abound.

    • Downside: Though not BETA, the game is still early, and things aren't 100% balanced, not to say they won't be though. The tutorial is online, if thats a downside to you. And the Out-of-Game Hall, where you purchase items, the movement is downright slobby.

  • Knight Online: A huge, free, 3D MMO, with gajillion's of players. The battle system is very turn-based, and there are a lot of weapon's and armor's for the few classes. It has low min. and rec. requirements for what it does, and a lot of people to help due in part to its expansive user-base.

    • Downside: The most newbie-unfriendly MMORPG of them all. A lack of classes, means you have to make up for it later on down the road, and quests aren't as compelling as you really wished they would be.

  • Ruinscape: A very, VERY ambitious Java-based 3D MMORPG. A huge player base, and is a game where, you can literally play anywhere! I've seen homeless people at the library playing Ruinscape, so, I mean, that says something.

    • Downside: For what it has to offer, the game, cannot be knocked. If you look past the fact that it's Java, this game has been around for a very long time, the quests are great, and there are soo many things to do. It actually, offer's a bit more than WoW, and is quite easy to use. And... ITS FREE*!!!

Ruinscape Website: http://www.runescape.com
Maple Story Global Website: http://www.mapleglobal.com
Knight Online Website: http://www.knightonlineworld.com
Alternatively -
Fly For Fun Website: http://flyff.gpotato.com

Space Cowboy Website: http://www.spacecowboy.net

With "Runescape", you must pay for the extra 'elite' quests, but they aren't necessary.