Top 5 franchises that I want to make a comeback
by METALM1LITIA91 on Comments
In an era that has given rise to many super series, such as Halo and Gears of War, we may have forgotten some of the series of yesteryear that were so great. Many series have also been run through several developers and has lost the flair it had in it's hay day. Some are still around but aren't as good as their original installments I thought I would do my best to take you through memory lane and show you some of my favorite series I want to see back in the spot light. 5. Extreme - G Racing (N64,GC,PS1,PS2,Xbox): I loved this series as a kid. It was a battle racing series much in line with Wipeout or similar games. I remember an excellent since of speed and great battle mechanics. Since Acclaim went out of business I don't know where the heck the license for this game is. Maybe it will be brought in by a respectable developer and do well. 4. Star Wars Rogue Squadron (N64, GC): Another great N64 hit. Star Wars Rogue Squadron let you battle aerial missions from the Star Wars universe and was a spectacular game. It had a wide variety of missions that had you carrying out objectives such as escorting a defecting Empire pilot or bombing strategic targets. The game even appealed to non-Star Wars fans and was just overall fantastic. It did make a solid appearance on gamecube but I would like to see it jump to current gen consoles. I don't think it is out of the realm of possibility for Lucas Arts to eventually put another one out. 3. NBA Jam (SNES,N64, PS2, GC, Xbox): Another great Acclaim title. NBA Jam is the best arcade basketball game I've ever played. It set the standard for all arcade sports games that came after it. I can remember when I was in 1st grade I was so excited to buy this game that i actually got a stomach ache. 2. Star Wars Republic Commando (xbox): This game was not just a great Star Wars game but just a great shooter in general. This game had one of my favorite squad based mechanics I've ever played. My favorite feature is that even from the "downed" position you could still order your troops and could still be revived. The game was short but was filled with drama and great gameplay. This game is just begging for a sequel. 1. Star Fox (SNES, N64, GC, DS) - This is one on the list that people may argue with. Technically this franchise isn't dead although maybe it should be. In my personal opinion they have tampered with the winning formula too much and have destroyed what made the series so great. I believe that there has been too much of an attempt to throw in ill conveived adventure mechanics. This series needs to look at the originals for inspiration.