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Xbox 360, you died on me?

One of my 360s died on me. The three red rings of death. I knew it happened. But I thought itonly happened to people who treat their Xbox 360 like crap or just leave it on too long. But no, it died on me, I treat my consoles like my babies. I make sure I don't play too long and always keep them from getting too dusty.


My PS2 is still going strong after 5 years.

I always defened the 360 against people saying they were badly made, but I guess they are.  

New REVIEWS up on Xbox 360 games.

I reviewed Lost Planet, FEAR, Call of Duty 3 and Oblivion. Feel free to disagree as long as someone pays attention to my dribble. I was pretty harsh but this is NEXT-GEN gaming, I expect more. Oh and my Oblivion review will probably take a few blows.

Miyamoto criticizing everything not Nintendo? (GCD 07)

Miyamoto is a respected figure in the videogame world, after all, he created most of our childhood memories as gamers with games like Mario and Duck Hunt on the NES.

But since the creation of the DS and Wii, he has suddenly started criticizing non-inovatitive games. I can see to a certain extent it is true, with mediocre FPSs after another and sequels. I always felt that he had no room to talk, ahem Mario Partys anybody?

Well today at the GDC 07 he said:

11:06: He brings up the top-selling games of 1998, pointing to Nintendo's GoldenEye at the top of the charts and saying that the gamer image was still generally neutral. But by 2004, he said something had changed.

11:07: With Grand Theft Auto and Halo 2 on the top of the charts, Miyamoto said he was getting new questions from reporters, questions about what effects games had on people. Even though sales went up, he said the reputation of the industry went down.

I really do not like this comment at all. He is criticizing two popular games that really have created a strong casual fanbase. After all, how much more casual can you get than GTA and Halo, these games have wide appeal among casual gamers.

Do not get me wrong, I still respect the man, but that comment really upset me. Yes these games a violent, but they also create an experience in which draws the gamer into another world, which he is also trying to do. So just because it is violent, it drags the industry down?.... Yes, GTA created an uproar in the media and conservatives, but what doesn't? I just wanted to let my two cents out and I know some of my friends are Nintendo fans but I really do not agree with his statements. Not only is he criticizing the industry and great Developers like Bungie and Rockstar, he is also criticizing my taste as a gamer.

Got a PS3....again!

Ok this time I got a PS3, but this time I am keeping it. I made a good profit on the other last time around on Ebay.

I got a new credit card with no APR for 12 months, so I decided to get a PS3, mainly because I want a Blu-ray player. I got a PS3, along with Resistance Fall of Man and Virtua Fighter 5. I also got some Blu-ray movies, The Prestige, The Departed ( which I already have on HD-DVD but could not resist), The Descent (great horror flick), X-Men 3 and Kingdom of Heaven.

It is really a amazing machine, but sadly it lacks current titles to push it above the Xbox 360. But I do think the PS3 is worth the money. Oh, stop the hating on Sony, they love you.

Favorites of last generation!!!!!

With the release of the Wii and the PS3, the last generation consoles shall be waved a final goodbye, in terms of game releases. So here are my favorites from last generation.

Guns and swords, what more could you ask for.

A platformer in the vein of an shooter, sweet.

Gory, epic, and gory.

A awesone prequel to an awesome series.

BEST online shooter ever.

Its the 80s, but more fun.

The series' defining moment.

Oh, Xbox's Devil May Cry.

My first online experience.


My first PS2 game. Good times.

So what happened to my PS3?

Well I got a PS3 for $600. I was in a pickle to sell it or keep it. Its Christmas time, I want to buy my parents some really nice gifts, I am very happy with my Xbox 360 and the HD-DVD player, and I just purchased another HD-TV, a Samsung 56" DLP 1080p tv plus a reciever and 5.1 surround sound for my family room. So more money would definately help. Also my college tuition needs to be paid by the end of the year.

So I sold it, yes I know, a Playstaion fan selling the hard to get PS3? Seriously, it was hard to do. I love the Playstation brand. But its not the end of the world.  I will not get a Ps3 untill MSG4 comes out. The PS3 will be awesome, just that as a current Xbox 360 owner, I feel I can go a little longer without one.

So what did I get for it you ask? I got $1,578.55 off Ebay. I almost made a $1000 profit.

So all in all I don't regret it. I am sorry Sony, I still love you.

I got a PS3! What should I do?

I got a PS3 for $600 off a business friend of my mom. The dude bought it for his son but he ran away due to "EMO" problems, so my mom asked what he was going to do with it. So I snagged it.

Anyways, the PS3 60gb are selling pretty well on Ebay, not as high as before. But I work at Best Buy and get mad discounts on HDMI cables, like Monster which run at about $100 for $20, plus good discounts on accessories and games. Should I bundle the PS3 with some stuff and re-sell it?

Yeah I know, I am a Playstation fan and totally against the whole Ebay thing. But its Christmas and the extra money will help me get my parents and family members some good presents.

I am on the fence with this one guys, your advice will be strongly appreciated. And please, no fanboy comments!

Most Influential Games

There are great games and there are games that really make you say "Thats why I love videogames."

Here are the list of videogames in which impacted me as a videogame player.

Duck Hunt (NES) Thats why I love shooters.

Mario Bros. (NES) Yeah its good to jump on shrooms.

Metal Gear Solid (PS1) Games can have good stories? Wow.

Resident Evil (PS1). Holy Sh*t, that scared the hell out of me.

Halo: Combat Evolved (XBOX). FPSs are good on consoles! Take that PC gamers.

Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2)  I can do whatever I want, hell yeah.  

You guys need to look out for this movie! Its God of War!

Ok well its not Gof of War. Its a movie called "300." Its based on the work of Frank Miller. He is the same dude who did "Sin City". Here are some pictures.

The movie is about  King Leonidas  and his 300 bodyguards as they defend Sparta from the Persian armies of Xerxes. Very cool stuff.