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I got a PS3! What should I do?

I got a PS3 for $600 off a business friend of my mom. The dude bought it for his son but he ran away due to "EMO" problems, so my mom asked what he was going to do with it. So I snagged it.

Anyways, the PS3 60gb are selling pretty well on Ebay, not as high as before. But I work at Best Buy and get mad discounts on HDMI cables, like Monster which run at about $100 for $20, plus good discounts on accessories and games. Should I bundle the PS3 with some stuff and re-sell it?

Yeah I know, I am a Playstation fan and totally against the whole Ebay thing. But its Christmas and the extra money will help me get my parents and family members some good presents.

I am on the fence with this one guys, your advice will be strongly appreciated. And please, no fanboy comments!