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MFCocca Blog


I'm keeping this short and sweet because I'm going golfing in a few minutes. It amazes me how many people in this community do not actually read the stories brought to us by these fine people here at gamespot. This because increasingly clear to me when the new Fifa 08 stories came out about 2 weeks ago here on this site. Many people who commented on the story obviously failed to read the story and just looked at the pictures. How do I know, well when most of the posts go along the lines of "WTF ALL MII"S HOW STOOPID GTFO!!!", or "WELL AGAIN WE HAVE ANOTHER REASON WHY WII IS A KIDDIE SYSTEM GRAFFIX FTW".

Even cursory glances at the story would point you to the fact that the mii's are used primarily in the MINI GAMES, not the actual game. So all the people complaining about the mii's being in the game just make fools out of themselves because they are basically yelling that they don't inform themselves and will yell anything just to see their own opinions, no matter how foolish they are.

The same people will also discredit a game before it even comes out. It amazes me the people who are already saying that the motion detection of the game sucks, the game is still months away and we haven't even seen gameplay videos yet.

Thats my rant, biddie will follow, I gotta go, LATER!

Lazy Blog Post

Here is a lazy blog post, this was something I posted today about Wii sports effect on other sports games for the wii. Let me know what you think...


The Problem that developers face now is that since Wii sports came out, which was a really simple game, a demo for all purposes, it gave people a one dimensional view on how certain sports should be controlled on the wii. When they change from that, people say that the control scheme is off.


Perfect example of this is Tiger Woods, many people were thrown off because the control scheme did not feature a 1 to 1 motion detection like Wii sports, because of that many people were turned off to what I thought was a great game.


Many people like Wii sports because it's one of those games that anyone can pick up and be good at in 5 minutes. Many other sports games for the Wii and other systems take time for one to be good at. Just because something isn't accesible right away doesn't mean that the control scheme is flawed, it just means there is a learning curve.


One other thing, I love the warm weather and being more active, lifting 5-6 times a week and playing basketball is a very good diversion during my running off season, I am simply loving this weather.


And now, a biddy!

Maria from WWE Maria: A diva from the WWE and super biddie haha.




All right, I've managed to start blog post number 2

Well alright, so my summer vacation has just begun, can't say anything too excited has happened yet but everyone isn't home so I'm not writing it off yet. I've spent the last couple of stay still trying to settle in and bring my body back to normal life, not this college life crap. Got my hair cut today, very big deal, was about to my shoulder now its buzzed on the sides and a little longer on the top. Not toooo bad at all, cant complain.


One thing has been on my mind lately, and that's how gamers these days are soo friggin greedy! Gamers complain about only playing/enjoying/and beating 6,7,8 games in a 6 month span and claiming that there is some kind of drought. This especially goes with the WII. People are complaining that there are not eenough good games out yet they have a laundry list of games that they have completed, usually these lists are longer than what most gamers even own. The only reason why you think its a drought is because your life is a drought, do something more than playing video games, I don't care if you call that your life, it's not much of a life. I got my wii in late December and I consider myself someone that plays video games more than normal, I've completed Twilight Princess, got pro and golds in Wii sports, and played a few seasons of Madden. I have 3-4 games right now lined up for me to play for the next 4-5 months and I honestly don't see where people come off saying that there is a drought. Well, whatever, that's my semi rant for now.


And now as promised, a biddie.

Kelly KellyKelly Kelly from ECW


Well well well, I enter the world of Blogging... Let's hope I stick it out.

For the last couple of days I have been quite busy with unpacking and just the general hooplah that comes with the end of another successful(?) college career. This morning I finally won the battle against my truck loads of crap, everything it finally put back and in order. And since I cannot run or anthing yet to recoup after my ankle injury, what better way to unwind then to play some games!


Attempt 1:

Super Paper Mario - I Just bought this game with my money from trade-ins of old X-box games. I have to say, I don't see any challenge coming from this game. Nearly being 4 hours into the game, I think I may have lost a combined hp of about 5. Let's hope it gets harder. This is my first Paper Mario game so I dont know how it compares to other, but so far it's fairly enjoyable, I'm just hoping more of a challenge comes or this will be filed under the play once and never touch again category. By the end of my playing session I made it to the beginning of chapter 3. I have to say, this game is definetely different, in a good way.


Attempt 2:

Online Blackjack. Let me just preface this by saying DONT GAMBLE ONLINE. That being said, I lost 20 bucks in 5 minutes.... Moving on.


Attempt 3:

Starting this blog. So far so good, do I expect anybody to read this, who knows, will it be interesting to see what I write months from now sure, but this is a good way to kill time in between school and work (Which starts once my local high school's school year ends; I'm a systems technicial for the school district, which basically means I make sure the computers are in tip top shape for the kids to trash for 9 months out of the year)


With that being said, I sign off for the first time ever, and as I promised, a biddie.

Internet Sensation Amanda Wenk      Internet sensation Amanda Wenk