I'm keeping this short and sweet because I'm going golfing in a few minutes. It amazes me how many people in this community do not actually read the stories brought to us by these fine people here at gamespot. This because increasingly clear to me when the new Fifa 08 stories came out about 2 weeks ago here on this site. Many people who commented on the story obviously failed to read the story and just looked at the pictures. How do I know, well when most of the posts go along the lines of "WTF ALL MII"S HOW STOOPID GTFO!!!", or "WELL AGAIN WE HAVE ANOTHER REASON WHY WII IS A KIDDIE SYSTEM GRAFFIX FTW".
Even cursory glances at the story would point you to the fact that the mii's are used primarily in the MINI GAMES, not the actual game. So all the people complaining about the mii's being in the game just make fools out of themselves because they are basically yelling that they don't inform themselves and will yell anything just to see their own opinions, no matter how foolish they are.
The same people will also discredit a game before it even comes out. It amazes me the people who are already saying that the motion detection of the game sucks, the game is still months away and we haven't even seen gameplay videos yet.
Thats my rant, biddie will follow, I gotta go, LATER!
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