if you'd like, i want my kadabra traded into an alakazam. my FC is 3524 4539 8842.Can anyone helpme out and trade with me. I got a scyther i want to evolve so i will trade to you then back. please. and if you could can you put up collateral so i have insurance that i will get it back
MFSofaKing's forum posts
God of War is truly an amazing game. make sure you get both the MGS's on the PS2 :)Thanks for all of your replies. What are some games by the way? My current list of games I'm interested in are as follows;
-Final Fantasy
-Metal Gear Solid
-God of War (maybe...really doesnt seem like my sort of game, but everybody seems to like it)
-Shadow of the Colossus
-Tales of- games
Am I missing any really good RPG's or other PS2 titles? Thanks.
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