the graphics are good. but i still think that bioshock has some of the most impressive graphics to date. i was honestly expecting something mind blowing from the visuals, i guess i expected too much. either way, glad to know its not the same as halo 1/2...those kind of sucked. halo 3 is much better but still has some corners that could've been rounded off. looking at you random "trot back to another earlier visited section of the level with no enemies in sight for about 5 minutes". other than that pretty decent, not my kind of game though, prefer more tactical shooters. i love the soundtrack though, one of the best epic soundtracks. lair had a good ST, but ruined by the games poor disappointed in that, damn you factor 5!!!
aw, i was hoping that this would be like getting ALL gamerpoints. either way i dont care about my gamerscore cause really, i dont wanna spend money on a crappy game so i can have the top gamerscore.
im sick of people like anarchy7 down there who are saying "if you really compare the graphics between the halo2 and 3 its much MUCH better" OF COURSE IT WILL BE! freakin eh...its last gen vs next gen, deeeeeeerrrrrr. if you compare this to other FPS' youll see that the graphics aren't very impressive...and the physics aren't even there.......the explosion effects are bland...really half-assed job there bungie. and yes i know this is beat...but really this is the final product just more glitchy
graphics aren't that good....and its still the same crappy gameplay...and the physics havn't been touched. probably be halo2 but with slightly improved graphics. nothing exciting. rainbow 6 vegas beat this crap any day. lair has way better water effects and textures too. and its not even out yet. halo is soooo overrated....i hope this game gets a low score
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