Everyone who had a negative comment on my last blog will unfourtunatley be removed from my tracked list. So this is to everyone who commented on my last blog. Ive had a terrible life, and Slyfur, she just made it worse. If you've changed your mind about about being friends with a cyber-bully, then PM me and I will start tracking you again. So goodbye, but it might not be forever ;)
MGSsuperfan Blog
new sig
by MGSsuperfan on Comments
Mr_Jenkins made me a new sig socheck it out by looking at one of my posts
It's not you, it's me. Naw, it is you
Got a photobucket account
by MGSsuperfan on Comments
Just got 1. My username is 13371l_l1z. I dont have much pics there but i will put more on there.Im done here.
Its not you, its me. Naw, it is you
Iz maid a miztaik
by MGSsuperfan on Comments
Yea I accidently messed up. In my last blog i mentioned invites were being sent on the 24th, well im rescheduling cuz its my idiot bros b-day. So im rescheduling to july 5th and i wont post any blogs till july 6th so you can comment on this blog or the preivouis one to join so im ending this blog.
Its not you, its me. Naw im just kidding it is you.-a quote from pspitus
My new union sign-ups...
by MGSsuperfan on Comments
OK this blog is especially for my tracked peeps. Well i want them to help me out here. And if you comment in this blog you WILL be a charter member. Ok i bet your wondering what this union is about, well its about Super Smash Bros!!! I need 4 ppl and i will be sending out the invites in 1 week! (june 24th). So anyone who comments on this blog will get a invite from me. So this was a pretty long blog, by my standards. And a recap, IF YOU COMMENT, U INVITED!!!!! And please join, alsothe union name will be Great Brawlers United
1337 names!
by MGSsuperfan on Comments
this is me typing ppls names in 1337s where u use symbols on your keyboard as letters
and dont use the @ symbol cuz it links it
MGSsuperfan: M655up3rfa/\/
Aidan129: A|da/\/129
Courtney817: C0ur7n3y817
Slyfur: S1yf|_|r
pspitus: p5p|7|_|5
stalpno: 57a1p/\/o
Well thats it
June 7th was....
by MGSsuperfan on Comments
The last day of school!! I am so happy its over and i get to spend 2 and a half months of doing NOTHING!!! So haha to every 1 who cant get out yet (im talking bout u courtney, no offense to anyone) So todays blog is very short so..
My fav song is....
by MGSsuperfan on Comments
The Real Slim Shady by Eminem
Yea it really is and heres a cupl of verses of it,
"O wait Owait, he didnt just say what i think he did, did he? And Dr.Dre said, nothin u idiots, Dr.Dre's dead, he locked in my basement, HaHa *turntable* Eminem *turntables* Slim shady, im sicko him, look at em, walkin around grabbin his u know what, flippin to u know who *girl voice* yea but hes so cute though *slim voice* yea i probably got a couple of screws up in ma head lose but no worse than wuts goin on in ya parent's bedrooms
And that is all, but search the video on utube
by MGSsuperfan on Comments
Well ive been active on poptropica lately. And also this is a pic of my character
JK its my bros! But if you see me i will be wearing the prom king hat and some wings
BYEZ!! ~MGSsuperfan
School today
by MGSsuperfan on Comments
School was crappy as usual today and we did somethin special. We had junior acheivment and also i postaed a video on here today and if it somehow seems wierd when you look at this blog its cause im usin my grandmas home computer. Cuz my mom needs to cash a check and she doesnt have a checking account. So my grandma and grandpa are gonna cash it. And im lucky cuz we'll go to mikyd's (mcdonalds) as soon as we leave. Well im gonna go.
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