Like I said before some games are made it for an specific console/pc etc, some games will be better on each one, for example none console can win against a pc for all 1st person shooter game, strategic games, any console can beat a pc on games like Ninja Gaiden(xbox/x360), devil may cry, etc, and each console it have some games that make you buys it, like the before example, Xbox/360 it have ninja gaiden, dead or alive series, Fable,Project Gotham Racing, Ridge Racer 6, Halo(I hate halo but a lot people likes), Gears of War 2 in other side Sony it has Final Fantasy Series, Metal Gear Solid, Dragon ball most series, Naruto, a lot japanese games, so any of those console cannot be compared like this, also everyone has their own preferences, Im a PC owner and also X360 Owner, but even so I could like to buy an Ps3 to play some of those games I Cannot play because the copyright each company did adquire from some Game makers company, as PC user and consoles I can say I use PC for first shooter games, Racing games, and Strategic games, the rest I do prefer use the my Xbox or my X360, and like I said I would like to play dragon ball series game on a Ps3 and final fantasy series. "BTW Im refering most of this opinions on the gameplay, a lot games could look great on any of this platforms but if the game play is bad, THE GAME SUX". "Everyone should stop looking issues on the other console you doesn't have and remember you bought your console for your own preferences".
A lot people are going to get piss off for what Im going to say but, either 360 or ps3 all of you are going to post just the console you are side for, and not going to post real detailed comparison just because you will get jealous of the another console that is not yours, Im agree with someone who posted in some of these comparisons "Some games are designed for an specific console or Pc" so its difficult to ask the same game could runs better on another console or any pc, so it cannot be compared at all if anyone is going to refuse this post go ahead for it but you are giving me the reason =), is like some PC comparisons AMD vs Intel, for some process AMD will runs faster and for others will goes better on Intel, both are different technology and a lot software are designed for an specific technology.
A lot people are going to get piss off for what Im going to say but, either 360 or ps3 all of you are going to post just the console you are side for, and not going to post real detailed comparison just because you will get jealous of the another console that is not yours, Im agree with someone who posted in some of these comparisons "Some games are designed for an specific console or Pc" so its difficult to ask the same game could runs better on another console or any pc, so it cannot be compared at all if anyone is going to refuse this post go ahead for it but you are giving me the reason =), is like some PC comparisons AMD vs Intel, for some process AMD will runs faster and for others will goes better on Intel, both are different technology and a lot software are designed for an specific technology.
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