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Well, I got news...

Okay so...I couldn't update for awhile, and I haven't even started on some of the promised reviews, and I'm busy with projects right now (which make me want to hurt myself LOL) and so, I haven't been able to play too many games, or for that matter, much of anything, because I try to balance out my day with a schedule That goes like this:

1 wake up (5:30)

2 shower (5:45)

3 fix hair (6:30)

4 eat and watch vids on mah computer (6:50)

5 last minute bathroom break (7:00)

6 brush teeth (7:10)

7 Catch bus (7:20)

Go home

1 work (about an hour but most likely more cause the stingy teachers)

2 play some video games (about 20 min. or so)

3 running/walking

4 eat

5 practice guitar

6 use free time to enjoy the computer

7 play another 20 min. of games

8 sleep

so as you can see I have less than one hour of gaming, but you know give or take a few minutes.

I have alotof work that I just did, but I still need project materials and type a story for Wednesday!

So to the update

Okay so....heres the deal.

What I said was two reviews.

One being superman 64, the other is the mystery one. That disc still hasn't come, so I don't know when that will be done. I may just have to do it without it. Actually, I did some thinking, and I need THREE games if I wanna do it right! So that may not be completed until after christmas even. But idk... So thats the deal with that, basically. I haven't played through superman 64 yet, but if I have some time in the next few days, I'll do it.

And thats it basically...I'm under a lot of stress, so dont expect much for a while...