A lot of people have problems against wolf Players online. This will be my Ongoing Goh Blog. But first and foremost, I'm going to tackle the problem of taking down Wolf with Goh.
First, don't get into a war of attrition. If you just try trading blows with wolf, you'll lose. He's stronger, he hits harder. You have to play defensively. Most Wolf players online are cheesers who spam the dashing shoulder block, so if you just keep striking and trying to out strike Wolf, you'll get counter hit by Wolf for big damage. Make sure you block when a good distance from him, because the shoulder block can come at any time.
Wolf players like to spam bunches of punches and strikes. Most of them are hard hitting mid punches. This is his WEAKNESS. Goh has an uppercut that is a sabaki move, which means it will DEFLECT any mid punches. so when you are in an exchange with Wolf, or when you get one of your punches blocked and thus you are sure he is going to punch back, do the sabaki uppercut. The input is d/f P+k or 3P+K in the parlance. When an opponent is hit by this move he is in stun, and stumbles a little. This is your opportunity!!! When he stumbles, most likely he is going to try to block, when he does, dash in and get him with the d/f P+G throw, or better yet, the d/f, d/f P+G throw, then follow up with a ground hit.
My person favorite is d/f P+G throw in those situations, because its fast enough to always hit. I also use d, bP+G to mix it up. Here's the thing if your opponents response after stumbling is to low punch, do a defensive move P+K attack, or up, P+K. it will nail them every time. next ill get into countering Wolf's Defensive move P+K throw, another cheap move Wolf players like to spam.