Metal Gear Movie Announcement!!!! hahaha yeah rigghhhttt :P meh I'm actually looking forward to seeing some more Assasin's Creed 2 and Modern Warfare 2
Theres about another year left for release so im hoping there are more great features.. as so far i see it more as a Windows Vista Service Pack even though i really dont mind Vista and actually love using it! but then again i am really really EXCITED about this!!
I personally believe art has a different meaning to every different person.. and yeah ive encountered soo many games over the years that were creative and others just more of the same but im sure they can both be forms of art
I Personally find that the lighting is the main thing that makes a difference for me, as for some games i find that the PS3's lighting is much better as in COD:WAW for example and other games like Mortal Combat vs. DC Universe i find the 360's lighting a lot better.. but i guess thats just me? all i know is that BOTH consoles have improved graphics-wise since their first-gen games!
haha i say the best was NBA 08!!!! ....noo man im jst screwing with all your heads Live was the sharpest though 2K8 wasnt far from it...haha as for 08 NO COMMENT!
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