How To Be Good At Mw2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by MUFC123Anto on Comments
ok if you want to be good at mw2 listen to me. when your playing make sure you bring an aggressive style to your game because it will make your oppents make mistakes. allways take your shot everyshot you dont take you will miss is my friends motto and it has helped me alot. always look around you where tere might be a camper waiting for you. make sure your class is good to because that can help its no use having a long ranged primary and secondary weapon when your playing in rust is there come on really . like a famas is good long ranged but not short range so have a shotgun as your secondary. make sure as well your perks go well together like when im using a ump45 its light so i would use marathon,cold blooded, ninja pro or commando pro and my seconday weapon would be a 44. magnum tactical knife . they both go together well they are both light and i think with marathon pro cold blooded ninja pro or commando pro is the best stealth class you can get in my opinion. make sure your killstreak soots the game your playing like if you are playing team deathmatch your chances of getting a nuke isnt great unless you are pretty good at teamdeathmatch like i am. im good at teamdeathmatch so i would syill use a nuke but some of my friends arnt as good and i would tell them to go for a harrier , pavelow, chopper gunner instead of pavelow chopper gunner nuke and to be honest i think they have improved and always believe you can kill a party of 6 all together or if you say i wont kill them your most likely to die. always keep moving because if you kill a person and you stay inyour positision they could watch likkcam and they would know where you are even stay around the same area but just in a diffrent position. always believe you can be better them the lad who has the most kill always have confidence