The journal entry title may seem narrow-minded, but that's as simple as it gets. GameCube has officially flopped in my opinion. Yeah, the new Zelda will get rave reviews and easily be AAA I'm sure, but will it even be fun? Cause I'm sure as hell all the other "masterpieces" that Nintendo has created for its struggling GameCube aren't fun at all..
It's all personal opinion of course, and I can actually see how some people would enjoy GameCube's hit exclusive titles like Metriod Prime and Wind Waker... but I can't stand them. I haven't played more than around six hours of either of them, and that's because I just can't stand the games. Metriod Prime is flat-out boring, especially when I'm used to the fast pace and thrilling experiences games like Halo and classics like GoldenEye have offered. The backtracking makes half the game seem like a chore and a waste of time. And, perhaps innovative and a good way around the whole one joystick problem, the lock-on aiming system takes away much of the game's challenge. Obviously Nintendo wasn't trying to mimic Halo at all, but still... it's a mess. And boring.
Wind Waker, or like my brother calls it, Fart Faker (so stupid but kind of funny nevertheless), is even worst. Sure, it's got charm and some nice visual moments, but (from what I played of it) you're just hopping from one island to the next. Yeah, they give you a new little toy to play with, but giving me a slingshot after roaming around a dungeon for an hour and a half doesn't quite do it.
I guess the problem is me. I've been a long-time fan of these Nintendo series, and I'm aware that the experiences of the past games in the series are very similar to the GameCube games I'm bashing... so I guess I'm just changing. But still... to me, GameCube sucks. And I just had to get that out. I try to believe each console has it's pros and cons... and in the end, it's all just what you like and that no one console is better than the others. But man, I've really tried to give GameCube a chance, and it's been a huge disappointment.
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