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My tattoo

My tattoo isn't something just picked off of a wall. It isn't fake and by fake I mean it is just for looks and to impress people (i.e. **** barbed wire armband tattoos and skulls, that sort of thing). I did not get it to impress anybody, although the finished results do look good (done by cage tattos) , I have to say. Unlike some tattoos mine means something and I know I will not regret getting it when I'm 40 and have kids and they ask what it is, or if i'm eighty and in a nursing home.

Now for a little background on my tattoo. I was reading a series of books by stephen king and one story made me look at life in a different way. The main character was in search of a tower that held the key to life, and the answer for saving the world. Also at the top was the characters meaning in life, his driving force. All of the other people like him(gunslingers) were killed. He had absolutley no meaning in life, except for his search of the tower. At the top of the tower was a door. My back now has the symbols that were engraved on that door.

Overall, my tattoo means to go after your goals no matter what the cost. Always strive for the things that you want. It also means that you must remember the paths that you traveled to reach your goal. By that I mean that you must remember your decisions in life and learn from your mistakes, and remeber the people that were influencial to you. Life is like a wheel, and everything always comes back at you.

Some people may say that getting a tattoo from a book is stupid, or that is not a good reason to get a tattoo. My tattoo has more meaning than most of the tattoos i've seen. I believe that if you were to get a tattoo than it better mean something important to you, and mine sure does. Mine will always remind me to never give up and ignore the pain that life throws at you, whether it be physical or mental. **** I had to sit there an hour and a half with needles poking into me...and it was all worth it. When I'm running on the beaches or fort coranado, under the baking sun wanting to quit with the other Navy SEAL trainees around me, I will always be reminded to never quit.