This one time this dude was all like, diff'rent from me, so I totally made fun of him because I'm a dead-behind-the-eyes teenager with zero wit, intelligence, or imagination. I made fun of him on accounta cuz he was different and whatnot. Anyone who is different from me is obviously a retawrd. Then I told him "you're mom!" and that he was GAYEE and I totally owned and powned and pizzowned him LOL LMAO ROTFL NASA!!! Then I yelled that camping sux and then we were BFF TTFN TTYL!!!!! :)
You children are pathetic. 9 out of every 10 posters on here really thinks that saying "your mom" is the height of sizzling wit? What are you, 12? Oh yeah- most of you probably are. Making fun of some kid from the south is about as intelligent as me making fun of you for not being able to string together a complete sentence. The only difference? He can't help that he's from the south. You on the other hand could finish 4th grade and educate yourself. You could learn how to spell, punctuate, and put together a coherent thought. Despite what what your other cackling preteen friends might lead you believe, smart actually counts for something in the real world, once you've elevated yourself past junior high. Maybe if you spent more time reading books than watching Gossip Girl on the WB you'd know these things.
You are not funny. Not one of you. The things you've written on here are embarrassing. What's really sad is that none of you have the class to be embarrassed for yourselves. I have to be embarrassed FOR you. It's no wonder intelligent, well educated people from other countries think Americans are fat and stupid and lazy. All you idiots can come up with are "your mom" jokes and xenophobia. Way to prove them RIGHT, idiots.
Now THAT'S the best trash talk you've ever heard, so shut the F up, grow the F up, and move on. End of Thread.
I'm sorry to say, but you just contradicted yourself. You come out saying that people that talk trash are childish, while you turn around and bash people.Bravo.
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