I know what people must be thinking, it is a little early for talks about what the game of the year might be. To be the game of the year the game title should be a complete package. Incredible graphics, amazing sound track, phenomenal game play, compelling storyline and really awesome characters. Last year in 2006 the game of the year was Gears of war. This title took gamers by storm and was the title that changed the way games would be made. There is a new title that has redefined the way games are developed and once again has brought the gaming industry to a new level. What is this title you ask, it is non other than Bioshock. Bioshock has all of the above criteria and more. Bioshock has taken video games to a new level with moral choices and Ai that responds completely different than in any other game. The Ai in bioshock is more sophisticated in the sense that enemies do not attack on sight, rather they respond according to what the player does. The idea of attack when being attacked is a new concept for video games, and has set the bar high for upcoming titles. I have followed this title from the beginning, and a subject for debate that I have seen when this concept was announced was the idea of killing "the little sister." Little sisters carry Adams; the only way of getting the Adams is to harvest them from the little sisters, and by doing so the little sisters do not survive this process. This places a moral dilemma on the player, does the player survive at the expense of another or does the player sacrifice themselves by saving the little sisters. This is another feature that makes bioshock stand out from the pack, and makes it a strong contender for the game of the year. I know that people are most likely saying that this guy must be crazy because when halo 3 comes out it will own every other game. As a fan of halo myself, I might find this to be true, however halo does not have the moral and ethical dilemmas that bioshock has. Also, bioshock has a tremendous amount of replay value and the game will be very different each time it is played. Bioshock is a rich and morally woven game that will leave players speechless. This will be the title to beat when gamespot users vote this year. This title leaves this gamespot user believing that bioshock will not just be in the running for game of the year, it will be the game of the year.
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