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Blind Ignorance Destroys Lifes

I was spending time on you tube and i came across this video and I started to think about a post i made in the Fasttestruck off topic union. I posted a thread about favorite dog breeds and i had a really great conversation with a gs user about dog ownership and responcibility. We both agreed that the are no bad dogs just bad and irresponcible owners. i think that " the dangerous dog" theory stems from ignorance rather than an educated position. I really get bothered by stereotypes and sweepinggeneralalities that involve people, dog breeds or anything else in life. I feel that people need something or some one to blame for things going wrong rather than accept personal responcibiltyin the problems that we are confronted with in our lives.This kind of scituation is part of the problem and not part of the solution. mankind needs to learn tolerance for everthing in this world as well as towards each other. this understanding can only come from education and learning about the individual scituation rather than rush to judgement which is the easy way out. Sometimes the high road is harder to walk but it is the thing that allows people to gain an understanding about all of life's scituations and it is through this understanding can real problems be solved with real solutions. I think this video from you tube says it all. The video speaks about lost of beloved pitbulls but the lesson from this video can be applied to all of life. I leave you to ponder whether you are part of the problem or part of the solution.