I am amazed that guitar hero is so popular with gamers. I don't understand why every one seems to be obssessed about this game series. I have played several of the games and well i find them to be very repative and not alot of fun.:shock: I know i will most likely have to watch my 6 for flying guitars and raven guitar hero maniacs for saying this and i mean no disrespect to the fans of the game series. I am just trying to understand this gaming phenomona better.
I was playing secret agent clank last night and they have a guitar hero form of gameplay in this game and found myself saying what the heck is going on here. Ratchet and clank and guitar hero are like putting an elevator in an out house the point of this would be.....
so to all my gs friends who love the game can you please tell me what i am mising?
It has been said that that those who can't play guitar play guitar hero. I don't agree with this but from my point of view it is far better to blow your windows with real guitar licks than it is to pretend to.
As I write this i just came up with this thought that imatation is the sincerest form of flattery. So it may be that all guitar hero fans are paying their respects to the guitar gods of our time by playing guitar hero.
Until next time.......