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This was bound to happen sooner or later

My friends i have a tale to tell. When i came on gamespot today i opened my inbox of my pm's and found that i was modderated twice in the same day for violating the terms of servise. I know that modderators have a real bad reputation here at gamespot but i don't blame them for my mistakes, i blame myself for them. I believe that if a person makes a mistake a person should man up and own it. i have done this. I have been on gamespot for almost 2 years without being modderated, this is because i respect the tos and try really hard to honor them. Sadly, my mistakes were not intented on my part or intentional, instead my mistakes were one of unkowing stupidity rather than anything else. i feel bad about this because i do value the terms of servise and am truely and honestly sorry, unlike some people who say their sorry to hopefully get off the hook with the moderators.

A word to the gamespot mods you have a really hard job to do and not much support from the community especially when people get modderated. i want to thank you for bringing my mistakes to my attention because i can not fix it if i don't know it is broken. I also would like to thank you for not reducing my points or banning me from gs. I am confident that my question will be answered in ask the mods so i thank you in advance for your willingness to explain the specifics for me. i do appreciated all of your work. I will turn this into a learning experiance and I will take this to heart and am very serious about not making mistakes like this in the future.

In closing i would like to say that i hope this will be the only time that i get modderated because it is not a happy thing to have happen. i am only human after all and now i belong to the community of people who have been modderated. i am truely sorry that this has happened and i have no one to blame but myself. Mods are not the bad guys they are people who have rules they must adhere to and they are there to help see to it that gs remains a fun place to be.

until next time...