I've finally recovered practically all the games that were stolen... I guess I shouldn't say "recovered" so much as "replaced". This whole experience, combined with past experiences with theft, has done nothing more than confirm my belief that our police are an absolute waste of tax dollars and they know how to do nothing more than give speeding and parking tickets. I know who broke into my apartment, without a doubt. It's been long enough now that I just don't care to even go into detail on it, but none the less... I know, the cops know I know, but they don't give a flying frick about getting my stuff back... you know why? because whether or not I get my things back, they get paid the same. Police need to be on commission, and not a speeding ticket quota type of commission, but a solving real crimes commission. If a cop goes a month without solving someone's genuine problem, they should lose a week of pay. I don't know, there's got to be some way to make these piles of crap start to actually care about their jobs and remember why they wanted to be cops when they were little kids. I hate our legal system and until it serves me in a positive way (yeah, that sounds selfish, but oh well) I am not showing them any respect.
On a lighter note. Been playing a lot of PC and migrating away from the Wii lately, I find myself aggrivated by the lack of good first person shooters on the Wii console... and even when they bring one to the Wii, they dumb it down and take out a lot of cool features on the premis that the Wii can't handle the workload. Baloney I say! At least gives us some good RTS games, the infra-red pointer is just like a mouse... why aren't we getting some old classics (Starcraft?) ported over to the Wii?? Heck, Starcraft may be asking a bit much since Blizzard is hard at work on Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2... what about EAs Command & Conquer franchise? EA LOVES the Wii... give us some RTS respect bastards!
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