No More Heroes
by Mack2D2 on Comments
No More Heroes is frickin awesome! At first I felt kind of let down, the town so bland and the vehicle controls so clunky, and the inability to trash strangers on the street absent... but you realize after a little bit of playing that these are very unimportant details, and far from the point of the game. It's mocking of video games in general isn't made blatantly clear until you near the end of the game, and I don't want to spoil anything so I won't mention any spoilers, but be sure to beat the game on MILD and not just SWEET (for beginners) difficulty, because it will open the "real ending" and it is sooo much better than the generic ending. Anyway, if you hadn't headed the words of so many others and given this game a try yet, I figured I would voice my opinion on it. I just beat mild and am about to play through it again on BITTER (hard difficulty)... and I'm really really happy that I found it at a pawn shop for a mere $20... this game is totally worth the full price tag of $50 that it initially came out with.