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Mad4Midna Blog


I thought that I'd post a blog. Don't hate me.


I can't believe that I actually joined this website back in '08. wooooah. Let's slow down. Jeez. I expected to habe 6,000 messages. I only had 5 xDDD

I tried to upload an image a few minutes ago, but it won't work :c So I'll just give you the link if you wanna see it.

Did you guys know that I'm like, addicted to Hetalia now? :U I love that Anime. Sooo bad. I'm listening to 'Mein Gott!!' Right now. It means 'My God!!' in German. It's sung by Prussia.

I was reading my other blog. I laughed at how mature I was trying to sound. lololol. I failed as a child. :c

Oh, and I finished the Harry Potter series. It was amazing. I also went to Hawaii. c:

That's it for the rest of the year, lol.


For old times sake

Hello everybody. You must be shocked to see that I'm back. Well, truth is, Theres a 90% chance that I'm never going to write another blog ever again on this website. I left and I'm happy where I stand. I've found my place on the internet, but surely it isn't here. My place is on, where on June 30th, I will have been there for 1 whole year. Yes, things are going pretty well for me. I have many watchers and my art has improved WAY much since the last time I saw you guys. When I look back at my old pictures, I wanna slap myself in the face. It was HORRIBLE!! XDWell, truth is I actually wanted to see you guys again. I mean, this is the birthplace of Mad4Midna. Where I started and wherre I got so many loyal and awesome friends,and where, most of all, where it all began. Sadly, those happy times are over, I'm not as queer anymore (I'm not saying that I'm not queer I definately am ;3) and I've gained a personality and a dream. I learned that this website is a place of origins, friends, games, blogs, problems, and drama, but some of those things are not for me. I hope you may now have a better understand as of why I have left this place. Hey- I just may drop by again sometime.


I guess this is goodbye

Hi guys. It's M4M, and I haven't written a blog since Halloween. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, Channukah, and/or Christmas. Anyway, I think its time I've left GameSpot. It's no longer a spot of interestto me, and I'm on the verge of getting banned from here anyway. It was a wonderful year with you guys, and It's almost my second year here. It's a shame I'm leaving before my second year anniversary, but this is no longer a place I wish to spend my free time. My time here is coming to an end. In the meantime, check out my Deviantart and Youtube, or become a member of those websites if you want to keep in touch with me. I update my journal frequently on Deviantart, so you should check it out.The links are in my header. I thank all of you for keeping with me this past year, and I will miss some of you very much. I don't know when (or if) I'm coming back, but hey, I just might give GameSpot another swing sometime.



Well, I'm going to write a very quick blog right here :P I usually don't write short, pointless blogs like this, but anyway, Have a fun halloween!!! get lots of candy and give it to me!!! >:3 Cuz if you didn't.... then I would have to execute don't want that, now do you? lol, jk!!!! ..... but seriously.....


Tagged again

I was tagged by 255Utah

1. I'm really inactive. bet you knew that though.

2. I have quit making videos on gamespot

3. I have a youtube and a deviantart

4. I have attended a new school this year.

5. My besst friend on Gamespot is Greefire95, My best friend on youtube is Greenfire95 again, and my best friend on Deviantart is Gallade100 (not on GS)

I tag whoever wants to do this

Things that tick me off

Hey guys, if I say something that offends you,or you think it is pointed at you, Just know that I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, k?

1: When people on YouTube say on someone's video: "She's hot, but nothing else" There are SO many reasons why you should not post this comment. That person is talented and good and you KNOW it.Why do you have to make her feel down about herself?

2: If you don't like something, like a series of videos, WHY do you keep watching them?! If you don't like them, GO AWAY!

3: When people wright 2 languages in 1 sentence, like": OMG that is like, SO Kawaii!" I find it pointless. Why do you need to write a word in Japaneese? Does it make you cool? NO, IT DOSEN'T. why can't you just write: "OMG that is like So cute!"

4: People who NO lives what so ever Who like stalk you and try to ban you for NO REASON! (I'm talking to one of MY OWN haters right now. You know who you are)

5: (This one is VERY Important please read!) When people don't like something, like say... Zelda. and they keep going to videos about it and they are like:" OMG you like Zelda? Zelda is DUMB. Go play some Halo, You n00b!Delete this video NOW!" uhh... we don't need to hear this. If you like Halo, thats fine, but we don't care. Don't tell someone what to do. And then when you try to defend yourself, he goes, "well, I'm going to hack your channel now!" This one is important because its happening to my friend on YouTube RIGHT NOW!! Please help her! tell her what to do! She is: WWDaYo

6: when people write like this: "M5st3r_Che1f" WRITE WITH LETTERS NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND YOU!

7: When I write something, and the only thing someone has to say is "cool" or "lol".... that's it? I spent a lot of time on that, and that's all I get?! seriously?!

Ok well, that's basicly the end of this. Give me a comment telling me what YOU think of my list.


YES!!! (caps)

IM FINNALLY UPLOADING VIDEOS AGAIN!!!!! ...on youtube :) I just uploaded my first WMM video :) it's called,




a little rant

Ok so as many of you know, I got a youtube. And I recently made a video called Animal Crossing City Folk Wi-Fi Fun. Well I'll cut to the chase and tell you whats wrong with it...

IT TOOK 5 HOURS TO UPLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:evil:

I'm so mad! Oh, and I tried to upload part 2, But it kept getting errors!!! so you know what I did? I DELETED IT! IT WAS MY ONLY CHOICE!

Can you guys help me on how to upload videos faster? pweese?


Oh, and also, I want to do let's draw videos, but I don't know what to draw. Anyone have a request for me? If you do, I would really love to hear it. Ok, so I guess thats it, Get to work on those requests!



YES! I'm going on Vacation! Were going to lake george for 3 days! Lake George is up-state New York, so thats about 3 hours away from us. Also we had friends who lived in the mountains, but they moved to lake george, and we haven't seen them for a looooooong time, so we are preety exited about that.We are also going to go to six flags: great escape while were there.


Thanks! see ya later!
