Hey guys, if I say something that offends you,or you think it is pointed at you, Just know that I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, k?
1: When people on YouTube say on someone's video: "She's hot, but nothing else" There are SO many reasons why you should not post this comment. That person is talented and good and you KNOW it.Why do you have to make her feel down about herself?
2: If you don't like something, like a series of videos, WHY do you keep watching them?! If you don't like them, GO AWAY!
3: When people wright 2 languages in 1 sentence, like": OMG that is like, SO Kawaii!" I find it pointless. Why do you need to write a word in Japaneese? Does it make you cool? NO, IT DOSEN'T. why can't you just write: "OMG that is like So cute!"
4: People who NO lives what so ever Who like stalk you and try to ban you for NO REASON! (I'm talking to one of MY OWN haters right now. You know who you are)
5: (This one is VERY Important please read!) When people don't like something, like say... Zelda. and they keep going to videos about it and they are like:" OMG you like Zelda? Zelda is DUMB. Go play some Halo, You n00b!Delete this video NOW!" uhh... we don't need to hear this. If you like Halo, thats fine, but we don't care. Don't tell someone what to do. And then when you try to defend yourself, he goes, "well, I'm going to hack your channel now!" This one is important because its happening to my friend on YouTube RIGHT NOW!! Please help her! tell her what to do! She is: WWDaYo
6: when people write like this: "M5st3r_Che1f" WRITE WITH LETTERS NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND YOU!
7: When I write something, and the only thing someone has to say is "cool" or "lol".... that's it? I spent a lot of time on that, and that's all I get?! seriously?!
Ok well, that's basicly the end of this. Give me a comment telling me what YOU think of my list.
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