Xbox failed me, all of us for that matter. So instead of selling us over priced upgrades to get to 60 FPS 1080p with 360p textures.....I would rather the Xbox run 720p @60FPS with 720p textures! The PS4 will run the same games @ 1080p and that is just how it is. My tv will upscale the content and with better textures, franerate with anti-aliasing I would be satisfied. They are trying to get to 1080p and just sacrificing draw distance, polygon count, and texture resolutions which is lame, and by the way isn't really 1080p except for a few items on screen. Just make the damn games true 720p or give me the option! Stop trying to force EVERYONE to have what they THINK the majority wants...give US the option. Next generation they better produce the superior console or I am either switching to Sony or a gaming PC.
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