So I've been busy as of late and meaning to be more active on here because games are my first love, but I just don't have the time. Between school and commitments with friends and other things of the sort, it's hard for me to find the time and drive to sit down and write about games, as much as I'd like to. But anyway, what I really want to talk about is a debate I had recently with a friend of mine regarding Goleneye and a few other things.
So I was chillin' with some buddies and one of them was playing Halo 3, while my other friend and I were kickin' it back and gushing over our favorite games. Goldeneye came up in the discussion and things went south pretty quickly in terms of agreement.
Basically, my main point against Goldeneye was that while it was a huge hit back in 1997, the game has aged terribly and it's hard to look like a sane person if you try to say that it still holds up. Apparently this isnt true according to my friend however, because he still has fun with Goldeneye when he plays it. That's not really relevant to my point though; it's perfectly possible to have fun with a game that has sh!tty controls (i.e. any survival horror game ever). For some reason my point was misinterpreted as hate towards Goleneye when in reality all I was discussing was the objective aspects of the game relative to how FPS's have evolved since then, because now controls are far more streamline and precise. It probably didnt help that my previous statement was Perfect Dark is an improvement in a lot of ways over Goleneye. That and we both hadn't had any sleep in over 35 hours.
Yeah, other than that, in terms of games I haven't really been playing anything new. I'm currently 12 hours into Dragon Quest VIII and I'm loving it, though if my previous save file is any indication, it's a long-a$$ game and I'll have to work around my schedule if I plan to beat it. Also, the music is fantastic. The orchestral composition is just fitting, and complements the aesthetic style of Akira Toriyama superbly. Despite this, micromanagement isn't exactly streamline and since this game came out in 2005 it still has some out-dated JRPG concepts like random battles, but they're easily overlooked since the atmosphere is just enthralling.
Fighting game wise I've borrowed a copy of Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition. This is actually the first time I've been impressed with a Mortal Kombat game since MK3. It's been a running gag of mine over the years to scoff at anyone that says they play Mortal Komat :P "HAH, who even plays MK in tourneys amirite!?" But with this game, a valiant effort has been put in and it is by far the most balanced MK game in the series. The story mode is a bit of a snore and a tad depressing, but I never play fighting games for the story anyways. Been playing for a couple days and I'd say I've become some-what proficient in it already, so hopefully I'll be climbing to the top of the leaderboards soon. :cool: