Sorry MissMorphine, I'll tell everyone 10 useless facts about me in my next blog. :D
But, right now, the idea of story in video games holding back what really could be accomplished in the actual gameplay elements, is something that's been a little heavy on my mind recently.
Do you guys remember a time when being really good in a game got you a pat on the back? Praise? I sure do. Back in the SNES days. (I'm too young to remember NES. :P)
But nowadays, when you're good at a game, the common 'gamer' would label you as a 'h4x0r', or 'no life loser' and 'U neds 2 gt laydzz nao!!!'
Believe it or not, this actually does have a link between stories in games, and the actual gameplay element. (Is gameplay one word or two words? :?)
I was going write a 10,000 word essay on the subject, but I found a video which sums up many of my thoughts in no less than 4 minutes. And, what I've been pondering has actually been labelled 'The n00b Effect'.
So, here it is:
Don't forget to come back here and tell me your thoughts on this. I'd really like to know.