December 14
by Mad_Buck on Comments
Now is as good a time as any to discuss one of my pet peeves on this site. It has to do with person reviews and calling some no talent assclown who's been in show biz a few years and had a show or two an All-Time Great. I just went to the first two pages of the Editor's Choice person reviews and there were five people listed as all-time greats by reviewers. Two of them I agree with: Dick Van Dyke and Barbra Streisand (can't stand her politics but her career has stood the test of time). The other three (Tom Green, James Gandolfini, and Stephanie La Grassa) no way in hell. La Grassa is a contestant on some reality show and now she's supposed to be an all-time great. Get real whoever wrote that review. Note: I won't post your name to save you the embarassment. She isn't even one of the better reality contestants. Green is a comic who's had a couple of shows on various networks that nobody watched. Plus he got married to and divorced from Drew Barrymore. Yeah, I guess that qualifies him as an all-time great. Note to reviewer: Richard Pryor, George Carlin, and the like are all-time great comics not some NTAC like Tom Green. Last there's the case of Gandolfini who is a good actor and he's had a hit show. He'll always be remembered for his role as Tony Soprano but what else has he done? I'd qualify him as talented or personal favorite but not all-time great. Maybe if he has another hit show besides The Sopranos or makes a couple of hit movies then he'll approach all-time great status. But now right now. Anyway, that's my rant. Much longer than my usual blog but I felt I had to say something after reading those reviews. Tom Green an all-time great my a$$.