February 16
by Mad_Buck on Comments
I should have known better than to praise the Reviews editor in my previous blog. Just when you think things are getting better they take a turn for the worse again. Now Matt Barr, Brett Michaels, Mark Callaway, and Anthony Rapp are all-time greats. Callaway (better known in WWE circles as The Undertaker) might be somewhere in the neighborhood of all-time great status in his chosen profession but the other three aren't even close. Oh, and one other piece of advice for the reviews editor. "He's so hot. I love him. He's so hot. He's my favorite actor. I can't wait to watch him every week on [insert name of show]. He's so hot." is not a review so quit posting reviews like this that sound like they've been written by 13 year old junior high school girls. In other news, happy birthday to my sister today. I won't reveal her true age because she might never speak to me again.:)