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WoW, BOTW, and Metal Slime.

Well, it's been a while since I've updated my journal. I'm going to try and update it more regularly in the future. For now, here are a few quick updates.

First, my brother, brother-in-law, and myself have all just gotten World of Warcraft. We've been playing the game together, and it's been a lot of fun. I've never played a MMORPG before, so I don't have much to compare it too, but in my uneducated opinion, Blizzard did an awesome job on WoW. I can easily see why GS gave it Game of the Year.

We've been staying up entirely too late playing it, though. I guess you can add our names to the rather long list of WoW addicts. But we can quit any time we want. Honestly. Actually, we haven't really been playing the game long enough to be called addicts, but the game's fun enough where I can see how it could easily turn us into them in the future. But enough about WoW for right now.

Second, I've entered a writing contest called Battle of the Writers, hosted by Jeremy Yerby, a.k.a. TheRagingGamer. It seems really cool, and I'm both excited and freaked out by my participation in it. Excited, because it seems like a really well done contest that should provide a nice place to test my skills as a writer, as well as allow me to see some very good writing done by others. And freaked out, because I'm concerned that I will make a total fool of myself.

The theme for the qualifying round is "autobiography", which concerns me, as my life is completely and utterly dull. Still, I'm waiting for all the details, and it could turn out to be very different then I expect it to be. So there's hope for me yet. Expect to see more about BOTW in future journal entries.

Finally, my new GS rank is Metal Slime! Huzzah!