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High-school of the Dead and other Anime Reviews...


Um... I should be writing a script for film I'm making but after a long depressing week and a few beers all I could do is sit back and read/ watch my collection of Manga and Anime. And since I have an uncontrollable need to write I through I would write a review... Well not a review, since reviews are always miss interpreted as fact... So... thoughts on a few of the Anime I've been watching.

High-school of the Dead.

Zombies and high-school students, ya! No but all sarcastic thoughts a side I had really high hopes for this series and while it doesn't break the mold High-School of the Dead is worth look. I Would like to note at the time of writing my copy of the Manga hasn't arrived yet because Amazon are taking the sweet time shipping it, so any criticism I may give is tailored to the Anime adaption.

The story follows a group of high-school students in the present day Japan at the start of sudden zombie outbreak, soon find themselves fighting for survival as the whole of humanity breaks down behind them. The story while does get silly at points with over the top characters and shots, for the most part High-school of the Dead is surprisingly well written. The show does a good job of showing the collapse of humanities infrastructure. The characters are interesting and develop well. The group of High-school students consist of Takashi Komuro, the unofficial lead of the group. Rei Miyamoto, I'LL FINISH THIS OFF LATER.

Quickly I want to talk about the character design, why does every female character need to have huge breasts? It annoys me, that every single female character need to have stupidly big breasts. For an example early on in the series (around episode three) Saya, who until this point, was show as one of the strongest characters (emotionally) out the group finally breaks down and loses it. I was really choked up at this scene to see this character, this stubborn and arrogant character reduced to tears, until the every next shot was a close up of her chest... Wow, High-school of the dead, thanks for sucking all the dramatic tension out of the room. Although these shots are littered throughout the series and this is the only one I can remember destroying the tension of the scene. Although I don't know why I was surprised at the tone of the show after the... reveling opening credits.