Madchen2 Blog
The Budapest Centipede
by Madchen2 on Comments
George Soros
[Leechus omnipotentum]
In the same phylum as the Magyar Maggot, the Budapest Centipede is an insidious invertebrate that has hundreds of hands, all of them out and in other people's business. Although the Budapest Centipede is, of course, native to Hungary ("Buda" is the Magyar word for "lefty," "pest" is the Magyar word for "pest") this particular pest has migrated to the United States where it has become a primary source of energy and resources for the native animals of the porno belts on the East and Left Coasts and native potheads everywhere. Seemingly benign to native scientists, who often mistake it for a friendly caterpillar, the Budapest Centipede is a voracious parasite that, if not controlled, can pick a hundred pockets simultaneously. As we speak, it is spreading across the country, infesting American homes and eating through their foundations. This small but ambitious bug also travels to the Caribbean, where it has established its own sanctuary, to prevent attacks from the even more predatory insects of the IRS.
George Soros, the poster boy for campaign finance reform who sought single-handedly to buy George Bush out of office, is one of the richest men and biggest pests in America. The Budapest Centipede uses his money to support the concept of an "open society," which he defines as "a society which allows its members the greatest degree of freedom in pursuing their interests compatible with the interests of others." And rest assured, he is putting his money where his mania is, having spent millions of his own just to get reefer legalized under the guise of "medical marijuana." If that succeeds, we will learn what the concept "gateway drug" really means.
For all the libertarian lip, this centipede is a lefty with all hundred of his hands. If you get in the way of this devious vermin, you'll find a hundred knife wounds in your back, "death by a hundred cuts," as the Chinese call it. They know this sucker. Doesn't matter if you're foe or friend. The only person this guy is truly faithful to is Benjamin Franklin.
Remember this particular breed of centipede comes from the genus Magyar Maggot that spawns in corpses and draws its nourishment from rotting flesh. Britain learned this the hard way. It seems the Budapest Centipede had been hundred-handedly amassing a nest full of English pounds, and on September 6, 1992, a date that's come to be known as Black Wednesday, he sold them short—knowing that it would bollix England's struggling economy. The bank of England was forced to devalue the pound sterling, leaving Gorging George with a one-day profit of $1.1 billion. For this proto-Democratic effort, Budapest earned the dubious title of "the man who broke the Bank of England." And we're supposed to believe that Republicans are the rich and heartless?
You want a definition of "parasite"? When this bilious billionaire escaped the Soviet occupation of his native Hungary at the age of sixteen, the country that took him in was none other than merry old England, the country that also took in Karl Marx. Didn't they learn? Budapest worked hard and graduated from the London School of Economics where he studied the host country's vulnerabilities long and hard.
And that's how the centipede operates. You let it in to your home, give it warmth, feed it greens, and yet it still starts eating through your floors and your walls until the foundation buckles, the structure comes tumbling down, and the Budapest Centipede worms his way to another host. For the Dems, this pest is pure role model.
Budapest later pulled the same type of maneuvers in both Malaysia and Thailand, where a Thai source said, "We regard him as a kind of Dracula. He sucks blood from people." Yeah, this centipede is a sucker, all right. But you're an even bigger one if you think that he's in this for anyone but himself.
And yet this is a man who once said that his goal was to earn enough money on Wall Street to support himself as an author and philosopher. Can you imagine what this Kant of cant would say? I can see him now, insider tirading on the steps of the New York Stock Exchange, the left's most prominent economic philosopher since Gordon Gecko got sent upriver. " Bancito ergo con," says Soros, translated "I bank, therefore I scam."
But why even satirize? Here's a bit of real philosophical wit from this pillaging Plato. When asked how he felt about being responsible for so many financial collapse and the number of people devastated by them, Soros said, "As a market participant, I don't need to be concerned with the consequences of my actions."
Such profound wisdom, Kierkegreed. Guess he had to divest his conscience to make room for his money clip. But, alas, this creepy crawling creature hasn't limited his quest for power to foreign shores. No, the centipede has his hundred hands in a hundred different ventures in America's liberal community. Fifty hands giving money to the dopers' bible Mother Jones and The Nation (a clubby commie chat sheet), as well as the leftwing snakepit, another fifty hands trying to nitpick the character out of our culture.
In the 2004 U.S. election, of course, Soros became a massive, self-parodying political contributor, saying that removing George Bush from office was the "central focus of my life" as well as being "a matter of life and death." He also claimed he would willingly give up his entire fortune so that George W. Bush would not be reelected.
Well, Bush is still in office and, as far as I can tell, Soros hasn't frequented any soup kitchens lately. But he did donate $23,581,000.00 (you read right—over $23 million) to groups opposed to W's return to office. And this from a man who promoted the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, which was intended to ban all "soft money" from federal election campaigns.
But don't be fooled into thinking that his opposition to Bush was based on any philosophical or moral stance. Quite the opposite. You see, in 1986, Soros owned a company called Harken Energy that bought a troubled Texas oil company, Spectrum 7. And who do you think was among the owners of Spectrum 7? If you guessed "Dubya," you win a prize.
But why would the Budapest Centipede make such a seemingly poor business deal? "We were buying political influence," he has said. The problem may have been that he didn't get his money's worth. "It didn't come to anything," he griped.
Unable to buy Bush, the Budapest Centipede has turned instead to buying his opponents. The only problem was that America wasn't buying, atleast not in 2004. But make no mistake, the centipede will try again. What this parasite wants has nothing to do with philosophy. It's all about power and control. And what he wants to control is America. This pest will continue to find ways to funnel funds supporting the campaigns of whatever liberal political puppets will best serve his interests. And once they're in, he'll lead them around like crack addicts hungry for a rock.
What the Budapest Centipede keens for is not mere power for his friends, but a return of the splendor of the Austro-Hungarian empire in which he himself just might make a splendid archduke or, why not, emperor. Heck, why stop there? Soros aspires to divinity. "Let's see," he wonders, "Which one of the Trinity is most vulnerable for a buyout?" As this Magyar Maggot actually told The Observer, "It is sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out."
The Budapest Centipede has his hands in more liberal pies than Jerry Nadler at a dessert buffet. But for all the walking around money a conscienceless hundred-handed creature can pass out, he has yet to worm his way into the heart of America. No wonder the Dems went after Majority Leader Tom DeLay so viciously. It wasn't his history as a Texas exterminator. He knew what rocks the Budapest Centipede and other pests were hiding under and wasn't about to ask the EPA if he could spray them out of Washington.
-The Political Zoo by Michael Savage
Do yourself a favor and purchase the political zoo from (5 dollars from every book goes to the defense of our marine POWs being held unjustly at camp Pennelton, because of the vile accusations by congressman Jack Murtha and Wolf Blitzer)
From the June 12 broadcast of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:
SAVAGE: For all your doubts about the unbridled pursuit of self interest, few people have benefited more from capitalism than you. He says: I'm happy to acknowledge that. I have a platform because I made a lot of money. If I were just an intellectual, an obscure university professor, I would be saying these things and I wouldn't be heard.
Hey George, let me tell you something, I don't have as much money as you. I have 50,000 times the influence that you do, you punk, lying, coward, Satanist, backstabbing freak. You're the people -- people like you give Jews a bad name, Soros. It's people like you who brought about the Holocaust, Soros. I stand by those words. I stand by those words. I would debate you tomorrow, Soros, on any platform, anywhere. I'll debate you anywhere. It's people like you who brought about the Holocaust, Soros. That's why I need you to shut your mouth and understand the damage you're doing to this world and to the Jewish people, George Soros.
I'm a genius
by Madchen2 on Comments
A couple of days ago, I recieved in the mail news I genuinely didn't expect. The results of an IQ test I took in April. My IQ is 148 (<1% of population), 3 points above what's considered genius.
I'm trying not to let this get to my head, but I'm proud of myself. Besides, if I don't brag about myself, who will?
Also, I was suspended from gamespot for 3 days for making an inflammatory disproving those morons claiming the 9/11 attacks were an "inside job". I have no regrets for what I did, and will make another similar post in the same situation.
Now... on to the Michael Savage quotes of the week...
From the July 21 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:
SAVAGE: So the Hitler of our time, a madman, Ahmad the man -- Ahmad the man, the man from Iran, whatever his name is, the little creep, the little Hitler -- I don't know why we don't use a bunker-buster bomb when he comes to the U.N. and just take him out with everyone in there. You know, give our people a warning, and give our friends a warning. I mean, why would you let this man live? Why do you let him live when he says he's gonna kill you?
From the July 24 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:
SAVAGE: Ohio, Josh, you're up on The Savage Nation. Go ahead, please.
CALLER: Michael, how does CNN get off making these Hezbollah, malicious -- I can't figure this out, they -- they they're making them seem like they're treating the Lebanese people right, just like any other warlord, from Colombians when that started. They're just like any other --
SAVAGE: Well Josh, we keep hearing from Wolf Blitzer, the greatest quisling in the media's history. You know, Wolf Blitzer's Israeli originally. Did you know that, Josh?
CALLER: Hey, any nationality doesn't bother me. I love --
SAVAGE: No, no, let me explain why Wolf Blitzer is so anti-Semitic. He doesn't want to appear too Jewish. And in order to make sure he doesn't look too Jewish, and too pro-Jewish, he becomes anti-Jewish, and pro-Arab. That's number one. That's Wolf Blitzer's entire zeitgeist. So he's the worst of the bunch. He's the type who would have let children into the gas chamber in order to stay alive an extra day, in my estimation. The little, bearded Wolfy boy.
Like always, of course I agree with Savage. In my estimation, Savage is a genius as well.
Support God. Support Israel.
by Madchen2 on Comments
I think all reasonable people after asking themselves, "Would I rather be a citizen of Israel or a citizen of Palestine?" would make the same conclusion I had. It is clear which country is on the side of democracy and which country is on the side of fascism. Support Israel. Support the religious, conservative Jews. They are still God's chosen people. The Israel/Palestine fiasco is a classic example of good vs. evil, and I choose the side of good.
The following is an excerpt from Michael Savage's syndicated radio show. Of course, I agree with almost everything Michael says, and this is no exception.
NASRALLAH [clip]: You want an open war? We will go to the open war and we are ready for it -- and we are ready for it. War -- war on every level. To Haifa, and believe me to --
SAVAGE: This is the leader of the terrorist group Hezbollah -- a good friend of the liberal left wing, the Michael Moore wing, the Barbara Boxer wing, the Ted Kennedy wing, the anti-American wing of the Democrat Party would be in great accord with Hassan Nasrallah of the Hezbollah, who is saying things fundamentally that the left says in America, only in a naked way.
SAVAGE: We have our own terrorists here in America: the U.S. Senate. The U.S. Senate just denied funding for a new border fence with Mexico. Now, if you tell me this is not like a country being taken over by a group of foreign terrorists, I'd like to know what is. These senators have done more damage to America than terrorists could ever do.
SAVAGE: Four crewmen missing after Israeli missile ship struck by anti-air rockets from the shore while bombarding Beirut airport Friday. Four Israeli naval officers -- men are missing. One rocket hit the vessel's helicopter landing pad. Barbara Boxer should be real happy today.
SAVAGE: Now, I realize that the American left is cheering today. They'll probably break open the jug wine and cheer that Jews are dying, and that they're living and cowering in bomb shelters. One day, the "Deutschland über alles" may be played in Jerusalem, and the American left can tear off their masks once and for all and show themselves to be what they really are -- which is the Nazis of our time.
This is also kinda related. I recently made a post that got moderated for saying the liberals are repeating history by turning our country into a Weimar Republic. Even though I was basically dismissed as some crazy woman by AlexN on ask the mods, I maintain that I am innocent of any wrong doing.
There are very clear paralells between the Weimar Republic and what the liberals want. I don't think one can argue against this.
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