Well, it so far hasn't been the brightest month of the year, but I'll try to keep a few positive things in this blog :P Last week, it was announced that the lumber mill in my town is being shut down. Sadly, that's the place where my dad works, so my family is feeling a bit stressed now. This means that when I graduate, I won't have much parental financial support, and since the economy is crashing/crashed, the accounts set aside for my graduation are low. All of this pretty much narrows down that I will most likely be going to the Royal Military College, in Kingston, Ontario next year after my graduation, unless I come by alot of money via scholarships or becoming filthy rich fast.
But, school is going great! I just a great test in Calculus, and I'm proud to be one of the only students passing. In Chemistry, we recently had a distillation lab, which was wicked fun, and we are starting the Wave Model. In InfoTech, I'm still continuing with Java, and I've recently made an application where the user has to change morse code into english. I made a program that finds the derivative of a polynomial (took me two hours), and next week I hope to have another project in mind. In English, we have written a few short stories, and there's one of them that I loved. I loved it so much in fact, that I decided to continue it, and i'm on the second chapter, I'll give you guys a general overview about what's going to happen:
It's about my opinion of time travel paradox; if you change the past, will it change the present? My opinion is no, that Mother Nature will end up balancing herself out. The story revolves around a character named Marty Barlefour, who views the world as if it were an amusing game. Eventually, he will become more serious, and then he will learn that his past isn't how he thinks it is. Alot of the ideas in the book are based on Naked Singularities. What's a naked singularity? Well, a black hole has two main components, the singularity (the point in the center that all matter and light is drawn to) and the event horizon (the sphere that surrounds the singularity that shows at what point light is pulled in). The idea of a naked singularity is a black hole without an event horizon, or a singularity that emits energy as well as takes in.
This idea works with the story because according to Stephen Hawking's book 'A Brief History of Time,' if the star that forms the singularity is large enough, it may be possible for man to explore around the singularity, and time travel could be possible in this area. In story, the 'Aperture' is in fact a naked singularity of this type, except it is deformed in a way that only a section of it releases energy (still working on the 'how', probably going to have something to do with the gas density of the star). It's called the 'Aperture,' because it is at first emitting light from the Universes' past (and future) that a station can observe. Later, it is used as a time machine.. but I don't want to reveal too much.
I already have the first chapter uploaded on booksie.com, and part of the second chapter. I'm updating it as soon as I can, although the story is susceptible to slight changements when I get new ideas.
Here's a link for you guys; http://www.booksie.com/science_fiction/novel/madeinfinland/aperture
Let me know if you like the idea or not - I have a bit more to the story and characters, but I don't want to ruin it... if I end up actually going through and writing it!
And let me know whether you like it or not, along with any constructive critisicm! Feel free to either post on Booksie, or GS. But please do!
I'll blog again soon, but I have to prepare for a practice-interview I have tonight for getting my Private Power License for single-engined aircraft this summer. Wish me luck! And check out the story!!
-Carna mi Fin-nor