Well, time certainly has passed. How long has it been since I've check in? Far too long! I have become completly inactive and I was beginning to wonder what website this was I was using for a homepage. Upon clicking the vaguely familiar 'MadeinFinland' link in the topright corner, it all started rushing back in a huge torrent of water faster than my computer would ever manage to download in one sitting. Slowly, I'm beginning to realize that when I had suddenly dissapeared, I had completely forgotten about the graphics promised for Synergistic Studios. Chose promis, chose due. Sadly, my latest updates have left my technological pastime at a standstill. I'm sure you realize that an inevitable explanation will be exigé.
It all started at Christman time, when I received a 1/2 of a Tera hard drive (500GB). Naturally, while hooking it up, I was hit with a sad realization (hit hard too - still getting a few head pains) that in neglecting my computer tower's personal hygiene, several layers of muck had settled on everything. My video card was on the verge of death, so a new one was in order. So i bought a new one - AH3650 SILENT - which I don't find quite too bad. It's top of the line for my computer, which can't use anything else do to an out-of-date motherboard.
However, my computer now has two annoying problems:
A) Photoshop isn't working.. at all.
B) My computer restarts whenever I shut down.
Both problems can be easily remedied, but sadly I lack the willpower.
Well, today I received my SciAm - February 2009 - on Naked Singularities (black holes without the 'black') along with the routinely distributed Aviation Safety Letter from Transport Canada. The Safety Letter was sent mainly as a reminder to avoid hitting deer, and that birds prefer flying into wing-mounted engine aircraft rather than any others. Don't ask, it's based off of Canadian government analysis...
Anyhow, I"m heading over to Winterpeg (Winnipeg) for a week sometime during the upcoming months and then attending a gliding week in a neightbouring town. Should be a ton of fun. Maybe one day I'll have enough money to buy myself a Cessna. Ha! It'll be a few decades before I have that money. Although I do have enough for a segwey - with spinners.
Well it is time for me to bid everyone adieu, and let's hope it won't be another five months until my next renaissance blog.
Oh, and happy 2009~!