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Not exactly a secret, given that EA isn't even releasing this year's Madden on the system. Never the less, this is a HORRIBLE sign for the Wii U's future. Barely a half-year old, and major publishers are dropping support for it completely, contrary to why the Wii U was built in the way it was. It's not even EA's products that is the most troubling thing about this, but EA's potential message and influence to the rest of the industry. I fear this will be a snowball effect that convinces other publishers that are on the fence with the Wii U to also jump ship.

Case in point, 2K appears to be not making very many titles for the system, either. It's already be stated that WWE 2K14, and it's becoming less likely it'll be a factor on the system in any sense. If the system can't get sports games, it's going to get ugly with other genres/games in a hurry...

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Edited By Madmangamer364


You know, I'm actually surprised someone hasn't mentioned the lack of a Wii U version sooner. That said, I think it just goes to speak to the state of the platform as a whole right now. Since hardly anything Wii U related is selling (including NG3: Razor's Edge), no one feels the need to support the system. Honestly, I don't think Nintendo can do anything with third parties until it steps up to the plate and support the system MUCH better itself. Not that I see it doing much to convince most third parties to change their tune on the system anyways...

A Wii U exclusive DOA would have been one of the few non-Nintendo games that would have made me take a little more notice to the console, so I understand where you're coming from. That being said, I'm also pretty dang excited about DOA5U, and in particular, the inclusion of Momiji to the group.

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@david1230 @Madmangamer364

PS3, the only of the two systems this game will be released for that I own. lol

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I could see another VF character or two enter the fray, but expecting the whole cast and characters from other series is very unrealistic. (Although there was the mention of Yu from Shenmue at one point prior to DOA5's release...). Along with Momiji, Leon, and the new stages, I suspect most of the new content will be centered on the DOA characters that missed out on 5, and some other fan-related bells and whistles.

Take that for what you will, though.

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I'm sure balance tweaks will be made. In the trailer, Kasumi's already showcasing new moves and variations of some of her DOA5 techniques. However, I wouldn't expect a major overhaul in terms of mechanics and features, outside the additional characters, stages, and DOA5+ additions. Depending on the extent of those things and the price ($40 is my guess at the moment), I think that would still be fair enough.

We'll see.

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I dare not hide it... I was sold on this when I saw Momiji.

That said, as a DOA5 owner since the beginning, I am curious to see how Tecmo Koei handles the release of this game in terms of packing/pricing. I think the best case scenario would be a SSFIV:AE-like deal, where you can get Ultimate as both a retail game and as an add-on to DOA5 vanilla. Still, even if it's just a retail release, I won't have too much of a problem with trading in DOA5 for DOA5U if the price is still pretty reasonable.

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I've been about as critical as anyone about Nintendo's direction that past three years or so (since E3 of 2010, basically), but as a fan, this is still news I'd prefer I didn't have to run into. It doesn't feel like it was that long ago where Nintendo seemed like it couldn't make a wrong move, but the fact that Nintendo's posting its second straight yearly loss shows that things have taken a dramatic turn since the heyday of the DS and Wii.

Oh well, the Wii U will have its day, and the 3DS is still making strides, but I think Nintendo has some restructuring to do in the coming years, regardless of if Iwata is still in charge or not in the near future. Kind of a scary time for Nintendo right now, IMO.

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I was wondering about that for a moment myself, but Fez is a relatively well-known game in the industry, so I guess that plays into the matter.

I wouldn't call it bashing, though. It's a developer coming out and stating the reason a game may or may not make its way to the Wii U. At least Fish's explanation makes perfect sense from a business perspective and doesn't completely rule out the game coming to the system. It's totally understandable, and that's more than what you can say about a lot of recent non-Wii U games.

Fish's personality isn't important to me at the moment. I actually give him points for at least coming out and explaining what it would take for Fez to make it to the Wii U, and since it's from Twitter, I'm also guessing he just didn't mention this on a whim. Not a big deal for me either way, though.

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I agree with you on this first part, but unfortunately, what that means is that once the PS3/Xbox 360 are phased out as key consoles, there is still going to be a platform that is left out. If I had to put money on it, it'll be the same system that's getting left out now, Wii U.

This is where Nintendo's strategy of trying to compete directly against Sony and Microsoft in the console market will never truly become successful. There are only so many people you can reach out to with a specific group of games, as well as so many resources you can use to create such games. History has not only shown that most high-profile third party games not only sell worse on Nintendo systems, but if there's a platform that third parties are going to drop, it will be Nintendo's. The Wii U is just history repeating itself right now.

I just don't see this getting better for Nintendo as the upcoming systems are released, frankly, unless the Wii U can do what seems to be impossible and prove that there's a reasonable market for most multiplats to thrive. However, the system has done nothing but struggle to prove this point even with the PS3/Xbox 360 market, so I doubt most publishers are going to be confident enough to obtain the extra resources necessary to push Wii U development.

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Edited By Madmangamer364


I know what's in the bundle. I just don't know why Nintendo would release it now. The timing and purpose of this doesn't make any sense. Zombi U has run it course as a hit game, and this doesn't address the problems many have with the Wii U in terms of pricing and mass appeal. The fact that Nintendo Land also becomes a download makes this even less appealing, due to being a tougher resell.

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