Holy moly you guys, InFamous is awesome. I could go into why I like this game so much, but the main character shoots lightning out of his hands so I don't see why I need to elaborate.
Seriously, for the longest time i didn't think the Ps3 would get a great exclusive series than InFamous blew me away.
And now onto BioShock Infinte.
I have been genuinely excited for this game, but now the gameplay trailer has quickly shown me to never be excited ever.
Two weapon limit (I can deal.)
Regen health (Awful design, but good gameplay can make up for it.)
I can't tell what is gameplay and what is scripted. (Well that doesn't help at all.)
Firefights look terrible and weapons are terrible. (Well it is the 1910s.)
Elizabeth's boobs look squarish around the edges (will you all please stop using the Unreal Engine?)
I'll give them credit though, the atmosphere is amazing, the enemy at the end looked hella fun to fight, the art design is incredible, and I am all ready attached to Booker and Elizabeth for their great characterization.
I guess I'll rent BioShock Infinite for the story and art.