Good god Naughty Dog. You made the Jak series! Your better than this!
Firstly, when I make a jump, I want to grab the ledge. I don't want to fall because the game didn't tell me if that was a ledge. That is terrible design, making it vague whether the ledge is a ledge or just Nathan having hallucinations is horrible design.
And the story has terrible pacing. Like it needs to stop running to take breaths everytime I made the horrible mistake of getting interested.
Not that I did, Drake is a horrible character. His main shtick is going to foreign countries murdering people to get treasure. OUR HERO EVERYBODY! He is the male Lara Croft.
I hate the pacing, I hate the platforming, I hate Drake.
And I hate cover shooting, because when you base your shooting mainly around cover. It becomes boring. Other than that, the shooting is alright.
I hate Uncharted 2, it's not the worst game I've ever played. But damn it's close.