As it's clearly stated, I absoulutely love Unreal. (The first game that is, not a diehard of the Tournament games or that stupid Sequel.) I love Unreal like some gifted and beauitufl prodigy child and that's why it's so appaling that the makers of this gifted super child, Epic Games, could make boring and brown trash like Gears of War. This is exactly why I don't want Epic making anymore Unreal games, because it's obvious they have forgotten how to make a good game.
Unreal Tournament 3 was all ready a bad display into the future of Unreal games, the weapons were mighty fine and all but everything else was so dark and boring and everyone had suits of armor that looked like mech suits and the women were unlikeable snobs. It was such a downgrade from the excellent Unreal Tournament 2004 and it displays very bad things for the future of Epic.
I mean, they managed to piddle all over Bulletstorm and turn it into "SPACE MARINE SMACKDOWN" because of the highly negative influence of Cliffy B. which is absolutely bizzare considering he was one of Unreal's lead designers. But if you play Unreal you'll see he only designed a couple levels. The boring and grey first level and the grey and brownRrajigar Mines.
See the connection?
Everything else in Unreal was beautiful and atmospheric which makes these turd levels very jarring.
My main problem with Gears is in the design, the gameplay itself is just fine, it leans towards tactics which is painfully simple due to regen health and the idiot A.I, which is also jarring, as Unreal has some of the best A.I I've seen in any game. Gears is boring and brown and the plot is stupid and the characters are awful.
This is honestly why I don't want Epic to make a new Unreal, because they'll mess it up, they'll throw out the concept of a big colorful game and immediatley Cliffy B. will throw out "BROWN GRAPHICS! SPACE MARINES! COVER BASED SHOOTINGS! REGEN HEALTH!" than the design team will get Dollar Signs in their eyes and Unreal 3 will be made and I'll die a little inside.
But I'm sure when they're done with Gears of War 3 they'll be busy with their long awaited games Jazz Jackrabbit 3 and Jill of the Jungle 2.