Well, a very interesting individual has popped up on the Moz la Punk (http://mozlapunk.web-log.nl/) messageboards.
Moz originally began support for the "N-Game" and due to many clever and hard working members of the community, they have hypothesized many interesting ideas and provided astonishing links between Nintendo and their supposed puzzle pieces. It was beginning to die down a little, what with the disappointment of Nintendoon.co.uk, but this mysterious visitor is starting the fire right back up again.
Moz is going to have the exclusive on his web site soon, I'd be amazed if he isn't working on it right now, but I'm going to go over it just for fun. It is hard to say if he is doing this for kicks or rewarding this community in earnest, yet I'm optimistic. Only because I think a stereoscopic peripheral would be amazing. Not to mention it would kick the hoo-ha out of HD TVs. ^_^
Ah! That was fast! Moz has already updated! Perhaps I'll just summarize since he's done all the work already. Mephisto claims he is a developer who has already received Nintendo dev kits. To "back up" his claims, he provided a pic of supposedly a non-disclosure agreement in his possession (when asked to reveal the Nintendo logo on the front of the envelope, he said that he had already sent the agreement back, so, hmm.)
He also provided photos of some sort of dev pamphlet, one photo showing an ugly looking helm which he claimed to be a step in the helmet's evolution, and another pic with a slightly more attractive design in some sort of table of contents. When asked about the bulkiness and, quite frankly, ugly nature of the helmet, he said that it would be customizable to make it "more pleasing to the eyes" and that the helmet itself would be an "upgrade." He continued to say that there would be separate controllers for those who did not want to purchase the helmet.
Mephisto also says that he cannot take more pictures, of course, until he gets back to the office on Monday. Why am I not surprised? I suppose we'll see in two or three days if this guy has any more "proof" or photoshopping skills, or just plain ditches the boards altogether.
I am loving the idea of this add-on visor more and more; it has been fermenting in my mind since the On video! I think Nintendo really could pull it off. And honestly, the VB was not a failure. It was too advanced technologically for its time to be affordable and was subject to propaganda of health issues. No. Nintendo can figure out a way to do this cheaply and safely. Even if this guy's false, I really do believe that this visor is going to be happening this generation, not next.