Finished Bioshock and reviewed it here . Wobbled between 8.5 and 9 but felt there was slightly too much boredom for me during the game. I love whoever made the Bioshock wallpaper for the PS3, I will be surprised if I change it for awhile. Also thank you to the game makers for livening up the credits, usually I grab a book for the next half an hour but it was done in two minutes, half of which had me reading each one with interest.
I remember when Bioshock first came out and I was pondering whether to get it so tried the demo at 9pm. By the time I finished it an hour later, I knew I would not get to sleep for some time. So many times I was alarmed by something from the dark or heard something that made my heart beat a little faster so I decided to buy it soon after the game was released. When I first came across a Little Sister, I decided to harvest her as I do tend to play the evil characters. Moments later I was loading up, my heart tearing itself apart on seeing what I had done in her little face. I was going to rescue them all but then an error happened, killed a Big Daddy but the girl didn't appear, so I put Bioshock away for awhile.
Why it took me a year to pick it up and start a new game, I have no idea. I had enjoyed it the first time round and I enjoyed it even more the second time, appreciating the atmosphere, hunting down every diary and every sister, hacking everything I could find that wasn't rated impossible. This time I played it during the day, lights off, curtains closed thus giving me several hours to settle down and there were times when I needed it. I don't play many horror games and the last time I recalled a game having such a haunting atmosphere, so many shocks was way back when I was a child and first discovered Silent Hill.
I don't recall which one,I also never completed it but when I played myself or peeked over my fathers shoulder I was scared. Silent Hill had the isolated town, the mist, the static radio, the splicers, the horrifying monsters, the story that contained many a surprise, it was a true horror game for me. Bioshock may allow you to shoot the splicers in the face till dead and not worry about ammo or the consequences of death but it was the first time I have felt such fear again so often, felt such an atmosphere. How I have missed it!
Bioshock, for me, will forever be a Horror game and not an FPS. Is there any other PS3 that will provide me with some scares?