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Do games really have to have "good graphics" for it to be considered good these days? maybe I don't care about graphics because they were not everything when I first started gaming...but kids these days look back at older games and and really scorn them... "wow, you used to play THAT?" even my friends won't touch final fantasy VI because it looks "too old"...I try to tell them that it's the best final fantasy out there but they won't even give it a chance... yes, it is cool when games look close to reality, but do they have to in order to be good? if you want entertainment that looks real, why not watch a movie?

I understand that games are evolving and i guess developers are going to continue to strive for that game that you wouldn't be able to tell the difference from a movie or real life...but if graphics are all the hype these days, what's going to happen to gameplay? plenty of people I've spoken to agree: games just aren't as good as they used to be...